Is the Fairphone 4 going to be the good Fairphone?

1 Answer

Answer :

Just googled Fairphone, and looks like it’s a very obscure brand. And seems like it’s available in Europe but not elsewhere. I think European jellies can answer this question. From what I can find, the two things that are the most prominent about the phone Fairphone 3 at least are ethicality of course and repairability. Everything else ranges from average to poor. And it’s way more expensive that other better phones out there. I really admire the company’s aim to strive for a way to manufacture phones without crossing ethical line, but I’m hesitant to pay for something that is so expensive but has average performance. The phone sounds to me more like an excuse to raise awareness on an issue than an actual functional phone. That is what I gather on Google. I have never seen the phone before, and my opinion simply comes from what I read. I think people who know about the phone can answer this question better. But I wonder why you are still going for Fairphone after hearing about the backlash, considering how expensive the phone is.

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