Briefly highlight the differences between imperative and declarative security as they pertain to code access security.

1 Answer

Answer :

Imperative security is implemented by calling methods of Permission objects in code at run time. Declarative security is configured by attaching attributes representing permissions to classes and methods. Imperative security allows a finer control over the point in execution where permissions are demanded, but declarative security is emitted into metadata, and required permissions can be discovered through the classes in the System.Reflection namespace. Additionally, you can request assembly-wide permissions using the Assembly (assembly) directive with declarative security.

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Last Answer : public enum animals {Dog=1,Cat,Bear}; 

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Last Answer : // Boxing int i = 4; object o = i; // Unboxing i = (int) o;

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Last Answer : Member function with a parameter using System; namespace Console1 { class Class1 { delegate void myDelegate(int parameter1); static void Main(string[] args) { MyClass myInstance = new ... void AMethod(int param1) { Console.WriteLine(param1); } } }

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