Who discovered the sea route to India?

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Description : Vasco da Gama discovered the sea-route to India in which year? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Who discovered the sea route coming to India? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Vasco da Gama's name has figured in all history books, whether they relate to World, European, 1 Asian or Indian history, 2 as a great sailor and adventurer. He has been solely credited with the honour of having discovered the sea- route from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope.

Description : Who discovered the sea route coming to India? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Vasco da Gama's name has figured in all history books, whether they relate to World, European,1 Asian or Indian history,2 as a great sailor and adventurer. He has been solely credited with the honour of having discovered the sea-route from Europe to India via the Cape of Good Hope.

Last Answer : The route from Europe to India by sea was discovered - in 148.

Description : Who discovered the sea route to India through ‘Cape of good hope’?

Last Answer : Vasco – da- gama

Description : Vasco da Gama discovered the sea-route to India in which year?

Last Answer : 1498

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Last Answer : B. Landed on the mainland of south America

Last Answer : The route from Europe to India was discovered in 1487 .

Description : To whom the credit of discovering the sea route of India goes? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : They were seeking a faster, cheaper, safer, more reliable way to bring goods back from India and the Far East.

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Last Answer : very profitable

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Last Answer : Portuguese

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Last Answer : Ans: Chirstopher Columbus

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Description : The busiest and the most important sea route of the world is- (1) North Pacific Sea Route (2) North Atlantic Sea Route (3) South Atlantic Sea Route (4) Indian Ocean Route

Last Answer : (2) North Atlantic Sea Route Explanation: The North Atlantic sea route is one of the busiest sea routes in the world, as it connects the world's two most developed regions of the world, the eastern ... called as the Big Trunk route. It also serves more countries and people than any other route.

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Last Answer : (1) Gulf of Mannar Explanation: Sethusamudram is the sea that separates Tamil Nadu, India, from Sri Lanka. It encompasses the Gulf of Mannar, the Palk Strait, and a shoal of islands and bays ... peninsular India by about 350 nautical miles (due to having to circle about the island of Sri Lanka).

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Last Answer : North Atlantic Sea Route