A sewer running partially full and hurried with back filled, fails in compression due to A. Weight of the pipe B. Weight of the back fill C. Superimposed traffic loads D. All the above

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Description : running partially full with central angle , For a circular sewer of diameter A. d/D = ½ (1 – – B. a/A C. r/R = [1 – D. All the above

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Description : Boussinesq’s equation for ascertaining unit pressure at a depth on sewers due to traffic loads, is A. pt = 3H3p/2 Z5 B. pt = 2H3p/3 Z5 C. pt = 3H3p/2Z5 D. pt = 2 3p/3Z5

Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : You are asked to design sewer pipes of diameters 0.4 m to 0.9 m at maximum flow, you will assume the sewer flow running at A. Full depth B. Half full C. Two third full D. Three fourth full

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Description : The sewer pipe which carries sewage from a building for immediate disposal is A. House sewer B. Lateral sewer C. Intercepting sewer D. Main sewer

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Description : A sewer pipe contains 1 mm sand particles of specific gravity 2.65 and 5 mm organic particles of specific gravity 1.2, the minimum velocity required for removing the sewerage, is A. 0.30 m/sec B. 0.35 m/sec C. 0.40 m/sec D. 0.45 m/sec

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Description : The arrangement made for passing the sewer line below an obstruction below the hydraulic gradient lines called A. Inverted syphon B. Depressed sewer C. Sag pipe D. all of these

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Description : Antisyphonage pipe is fitted A. At the end of septic tanks B. On manholes C. With a W.C. trap D. At the beginning of sewer line

Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : Hydraulic mean radius is A. Mean radius of sewer B. Difference in heads between two points in circular pipes C. Mean of radii in a pipe line of varying cross -sections D. Cross-sectional area/wetted perimeter

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : If the discharge of a sewer running half is 628 1.p.s., i = 0.001, and n = 0.010, the diameter of the sewer, is A. 1.39 m B. 1.49 m C. 1.59 m D. 1.69 m

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : The pressure exerted by A. The sewage when running full from inside, is called internal pressure B. The internal pressure if any, causes tensile stress in the pipe material C. Pressure sewers are designed to be safe in tension D. All the above

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : weight of water, the hydraulic mean depth of the sewer and the bed slope w is the unit of the sewer, then the tractive force exerted by flowing water, is A. w r S S B. w r1/2 C. w r S D. w r2/3

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Description : The sewer pipes A. Carry sewage as gravity conduits B. Are designed for generating self-cleansing velocities at different discharge C. Should resist the wear and tear caused due to abrasion D. All the above

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Description : Sewer manholes are generally provided at A. The change of gradient B. The change of direction C. The junctions of sewers D. All of these

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Description : Aerobic activity is maximum A. In freshly produced sewage B. At sewer pipes C. In sewer treatment plants D. None of these

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Description : If the diameter of a sewer is 100 mm, the gradient required for generating self cleansing velocity is A. 1 in 60 B. 1 in 100 C. 1 in 120 D. None of these

Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : Sewer pipes need be checked for A. Minimum flow B. Maximum flow C. Both A. and B. D. None of these

Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : The sewer which transports the sewage to the point of treatment, is called A. House sewer B. Out-fall sewer C. Branch sewer D. Main sewer

Last Answer : ANS: B

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Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : Drop manholes at the junctions of sewer lines, are provided if A. Invert level of a branch sewer is more than 60 cm that of the main sewer B. Sewer line runs along a main road C. Ordinary manhole cannot be built D. Two sewer lines intersect

Last Answer : ANS: A

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Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : If the depth of partial flow in a sewer of diameter 2 m, is 50 cm, its wetted perimeter is A. B. /2 C. /3 D. 2 /3

Last Answer : ANS: D

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Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : In R.C. sewer pipes, the percentage longitudinal reinforcement to the cross-sectional area of concrete is kept A. 10.0 B. 5.0 C. 2.0 D. 0.25

Last Answer : ANS: D

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Last Answer : ANS: C

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Last Answer : ANS: D

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Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : The sewerage system consists of A. House sewer B. Lateral sewer C. Branch sewer D. All of these

Last Answer : ANS: D

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Last Answer : ANS: C

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Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : The porosity of sediments in sewer pipes, is usually taken as A. 0.010 B. 0.011 C. 0.012 D. 0.013

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : Dry water flow in a combined sewer, is A. Industrial sewage B. Domestic sewage C. Storm water D. Inclusive of domestic and industrial sewage but excludes storm water

Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : Assertion A.: The minimum self cleansing velocity in the sewer, at least once a day, must be generated. Reason (R): If certain deposition takes place and is not removed, it obstructs free flow and causes further ... correct explanation of A C. A is true but R is false D. A is false but R is true

Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : If is the rugosity coefficient, is the bed slope of sewer, the velocity of flow in m/sec may be obtained by the formula V = (1/n) r2/3 s1/2 evolved by A. Chezy B. Manning C. Bazin D. Kutter

Last Answer : ANS: B

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Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : For a peak discharge of 0.0157 cumec, with a velocity of 0.9 m/sec, the diameter of the sewer main, is A. 10 cm B. 12 cm C. 15 cm D. 18 cm

Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : A rain sanitary sewer is constructed to carry A. Sanitary sewage B. Storm sewage C. Surface water D. Ground water

Last Answer : ANS: A

Description : For sewer mains of 0.5 to 1 m diameter, the ratio of maximum daily sewage flow to the average daily sewage flow is assumed A. 1.5 B. 2.0 C. 2.5 D. 3.0

Last Answer : ANS: B

Description : It is customary to design a sewer for D.W.F. on the basis of A. Average demand B. Twice the average demand C. Thrice the average demand D. Four times the average demand

Last Answer : ANS: C

Description : For laying a sewer line in a trench of 2 m width, an offset line is marked on the ground parallel to the given centre line at a distance of A. 100 cm B. 120 cm C. 140 cm D. 160 cm

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. The boning rod is used for checking the levels of the sewer inverts B. Manhole covers are made circular for the convenience of the cleaning staff C. A manhole is classified as shallow manhole if its depth is less than 0.9 m D. All the above

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : The sewer which collects the discharge from a collecting system and delivers it to a treatment plant, is known A. House sewer B. Lateral sewer C. Branch sewer D. Sewer outfall

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : Ventilating shafts are provided to a sewer line at every A. 100 m B. 150 m C. 200 m D. 300 m

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : In case of sewer lines A. Water test is carried out to check water tightness of the joints B. Test for straightness is carried out with the help of a lamp and mirror C. Obstruction test is carried out with the help of smooth ball of diameter 13 mm D. All the above

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : A circular sewer section is preferred to because A. It is cheaper in construction B. It provides maximum area for a given perimeter C. It provides maximum hydraulic mean depth D. All the above

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : If the side of a square sewer is 1000 mm, the diameter of a hydraulically equivalent circular section, is A. 1045 mm B. 1065 mm C. 1075 mm D. 1095 mm

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : The minimum diameter of a sewer is kept A. 10 cm B. 15 cm C. 20 cm D. 25 cm

Last Answer : ANS: B

Description : The spacing of man holes along a straight portion of a sewer is 300 m, the diameter of the sewer may be A. 0.9 cm B. 1.2 m C. 1.5 m D. > 1.5 m

Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : If D is the diameter of a circular sewer and D’ is the top horizontal diameter of an equivalent egg shaped section, the relationship which holds good, is A. D’ = 0.64 D B. D’ = 0.74 D C. D’ = 0.84 D D. D’ = 0.94 D

Last Answer : ANS: C