Continents map?

1 Answer

Answer :

A map of the world with the continents is included in the link below.

Related questions

Description : Name the different continents seen on the map.

Last Answer : Observe the map and answer the following questions based on it: 1. Name the different continents seen on ... 2. Name the ocean in the north of Asia.

Description : Continents map?

Last Answer : A map of the world with the continents is included in the link below.

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Last Answer : We'd be at World War 2022 by now or more than likely most of us would be dead.

Description : If continents weren't separated by large bodies of water, and the entire world lived on one piece of land (but still with lakes and rivers) do you think there would be less hatred and ignorance in the world?

Last Answer : No – I think it would be as bad or worse since some of the worst conflicts are between neighboring countries or tribes.

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Last Answer : answer:Antarctica and Australia. They are both countries as well as continents.

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Last Answer : answer:I dont know why would would have any reason not to believe this .. There is quite a bit of supporting evidence. Pangaea also isnt the only time that all the worlds continents were united. I ... like this were to suddenly happen over night (yes i know, impossible) I think it would be hell.

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Last Answer : Stuff will likely be all grafted together a or be a ton of tiny tiny tiny tiny little islands. All depends on how the geographical plates feel.

Description : What named the continents?

Last Answer : I think it was Joe the Plumber.

Description : What if all the continents were connected again?

Last Answer : I think there might be a bit less trash talking about certain countries if we knew they could just reach over and smack the crap out of us.

Description : Why is Eurasia referred to as two different continents?

Last Answer : I think it was a cultural difference that distinctively set them apart hundreds of years ago.

Description : There seem to be parrots from all over the world. How many continents have native parrots and what are they?

Last Answer : Parrot-like fossils were first discovered in Europe. However these may not be the direct ancestors of today's parrots. Climate change in Europe, the continent growing colder, forced these birds ... a quarantine period. Australia strictly regulates the export of any of their native live species.

Description : Why did people start migrating to the other continents from Europe? -SST 10th

Last Answer : . The demand for labour in places where labour was in short supply-as in America and Australia led to more migration. . Nearly 50 million people emigrated from Europe to America and Australia in ... have left their homes, crossed oceans and vast distances over land in search of a better future.

Description : Explain how Europe was able to leap ahead of other continents by the 18th century. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Europe made a leap ahead of others due to scientific and revolutionary ideas rooted in different developments. (i) Renaissance or rebirth of knowledge in which classical Greek and Roman art ... American Revolution and French Revolution in the form of democracy, liberty, capitalism, nationalism etc.

Description : until about 200 million years ago, earth's continents were joined as a single land mass called -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Until about 200 million years ago, Earth's continents were joined as a single land mass called Pangaea.

Description : Network formed between computers which is spread across the continents is called (a) LAN (b) WAN -Technology

Last Answer : (b) Across the continents, computers can be connected using WAN only.

Description : Vallesoft Pvt. Ltd has designed and developed a Website that will be displayed differently in each of the continents. -Technology

Last Answer : (i) None of the given code fragments are well-formed.(ii) The correct code is: STAR TV 9.00PM Family Drama (iii) The XML tree is

Description : What keeps the continents floating on a sea of molten rock? -Geography

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why have continents have drifted apart? -Do You Know?

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Description : Which are the Continents that form a mirror image of each other? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : With the opening of the Suez Canal, the route between which two continents was shortened ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:

Description : With the opening of the Suez Canal, the route between which two continents was shortened ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : By cutting the distance between Europe and Asia by 43%, the Suez Canal's opening in 1869 dramatically lowered the cost of moving goods between the two continents.

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Last Answer : Plants consume water, in exchange we get oxygen. So the water levels are never the same I'd think.

Description : Which continents were connected through the Indian Ocean Complex?

Last Answer : The Indian ocean trade routes connected Southeast Asia, India, Arabia, and East Africa, beginning at least as early as the third century BCE. This vast international web of routes linked all of those areas as well as East Asia (particularly China).

Description : How many continents is Russia located in ?

Last Answer : Russia is located on 2 continents.

Description : The city of Istanbul is located on how many continents ?

Last Answer : city of Istanbul is located on 2 continents.

Description : How many continents are there in the world ?

Last Answer : There are 7 continents in the world.

Last Answer : 7 continents! 1 Asia , 2 Europe , 3 Africa , 4 North America , 5 South America , 6 Oceania , 6 Antarctica! Source: general-knowledge Lecture Index!

Last Answer : There are 6 continents.

Last Answer : " Istanbul, Turkey" is a city located on two continents.

Last Answer : : About 1.5 times larger in Africa , 1.82 in North America , 2.4 in South America , about 4.19 in Europe , 5.73 in Australia and 3.12 in Antarctica.

Last Answer : 7 continents. Namely, Asia , Europe , North America , South America , Africa , Antarctica , Oceania or Australia.

Last Answer : : Names of continents: Asia , Europe , Africa , North America , South America , Oceania or Australia , Antarctica.

Last Answer : Russia and Turkey are geographically part of both Europe and Asia.

Last Answer : Turkey is located on two continents.

Last Answer : Asia , Europe , Africa , North America , South America , Oceania or Australia , Antarctica.

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Last Answer : Homo sapines arose in ______ and moved across continents and developed into distinct races. : A. Amarica B. Australia C. China D. Africa

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Last Answer : Europe and Africa.

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Last Answer : Yes, that is true. Continents slowly move around; for moreinformation, check the Wikipedia article (or other educationalresources) for "continental drift". On several occasions, that mademost ... a single"supercontinent"; the last such supercontinent was Pangaea,approximately 175 million years ago.

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Last Answer : We are a part of Europe. :)

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