How many people died in Chicago today?

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Last Answer : Yes, I had heard that late this afternoon. One of my problem children is a HUGE Marvel fan; so, now I’m wondering how the Marvel movies will proceed. I’m sure that we’ll be having long discussions about life & death once he hears the news!!!

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Last Answer : I heard it on the radio about 11:45pm on the way home. So, yes.

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Last Answer : I remember him from the show Mission: Impossible. He was good!

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Last Answer : I liked all of those hokey BIFF .... BAMM when they were fighting. And the great Burgess Merideth as The Penguin. Also, when they made the first Batman movie in the late 80s, and it was ... was quoted as saying: They didn't even ASK me .. Anyway, RIP, Adam. It was fun. Thanks.

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Last Answer : The author of one of my all-time favorite books. Although I had a quarrel with the way “Watchman” was marketed, I’m glad she got more acclaim in her last years if that’s what she wanted. And Atticus Finch remains a towering figure in both the Mockingbird book and film.

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Last Answer : I lost my dad 3 months ago. I am the eldest and it was tough but you just have to walk through it. Drink to his memory. Talk with his friends. Talk with family. Be with people. don’t sequester yourself from others. You need them and they need you. Sorry for your loss.

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Last Answer : answer:Depends on money. My favorite hotel is Embassy Suites on Ohio and State. It is very expensive but they have some very nice big suites, kitchenette with mini fridge fully stocked and stocked drinks in a ... is a Holiday Inn close to Navy Pier. Carry mace and don't walk alone in the hallways.

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