can coronavirus cause weight loss?

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Description : does coronavirus cause weight loss?

Last Answer : Absolutely, was sick with the virus for the entire month of February, lost over 25 pounds and I didn't have many extra pounds to lose to begin with

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Last Answer : I think it's not big problem. India is all about High Tech now. So many people works from their computer. Only hotel business will have big impact from the current situation with coronavirus. I more concern about Russian economic situation.

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Last Answer : Alcohol does not directly cause coronavirus. Excessive alcohol intake will weaken one's immune system though. A weakened immune system is more likely to contract a viral infection that an otherwise strong immune system could fight off.

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Last Answer : Alcohol cannot directly cause coronavirus, but drinking in excess can weaken your immune system. Weaker immune systems are more likely to catch a virus while being spread.

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Description : Can weight loss cause dry skin?

Last Answer : The skin may become extremely dry, prone and sallow. Extreme dieting may also lead to broken nail and dull, brittle hair. Our skin may also became sagging due to this.

Description : Does weight loss cause muscle loss?

Last Answer : No, Weight loss does not cause muscle loss. Weight loss and muscle loss is little bit different. Typically, when you want to “lose weight,” you mean you want to lose fat while maintaining as ... and not fat, then you may need to make some changes to your diet and exercise to counteract this.

Description : Will eating fruits and vegetables cause weight loss?

Last Answer : Fruits and Vegetables are a great healthy choice when trying to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables are a low calorie food that are generally packed with nutritional value. There are some vegetables like ... much nutritional value or fill you up. Carrots, bananas, and apples are all good choices.

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Last Answer : Yes, depression can cause weight loss.

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Last Answer : Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous eating disorder that can kill. Seek psychiatric help if you are suffering from anorexia. Restricting a massive number of calories is going to wreck havoc on your body.