Is there a good diet plan for people with high blood pressure?

1 Answer

Answer :

Diet plays a big part in progression of high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure then you want to find a diet that is low is salt intake. One of these diets is the DASH diet.

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Last Answer : Yes, a low carb diet plan does help to minimize glucose in the blood. The best low carb diet plan is the one created by the mayo clinic. More info here:

Description : What is an appropriate diet for people with high blood pressure?

Last Answer : A very well known, doctor recommended diet for helping to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and several other health conditions is the DASH diet. You can go to to learn more or you can purchase the book at a local book store.

Description : What is the best diet for someone with high blood pressure?

Last Answer : For someone with high blood pressure, you should stay away from foods that are high in fat and sugar. You should avoid deep fried foods and fried foods in general like french fries and onion rings.

Description : Where can I find more information on high blood pressure diet ?

Last Answer : If you have high blood pressure, you should definitely watch your sodium intake. For more information, I recommend this article:

Description : What is a good diet for high blood pressure or a person who has it?

Last Answer : The best diet for a person with high blood pressure is a diet which is low in sodium. You should also be avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats.

Description : What is a good diet for someone with high blood pressure?

Last Answer : High blood pressure is caused by stress, diet and hereditary factors. A good diet for high blood pressure is a low sodium diet. This means to eat out less, and eat food where you can control how much salt you put in.

Description : A Diet for High Blood Pressure?

Last Answer : Eating healthy is one of the easiest ways to lower blood pressure. You have to find a diet for high blood pressure which will tell you the best foods to eat. One key is to eat foods low in ... help lower blood pressure. If you're overweight, just losing a few pounds can lower your blood pressure.

Description : What type of diet to reduce high blood pressure?

Last Answer : You are required to go on a low sodium/salt deit to help reduce and control your high blood pressure. This is essential for you health and for a long productive life.

Description : Is A High Protein Diet The Best Diet Plan?

Last Answer : There are several diet plans that use the high protein element as a factor in helping people lose weight: The Zone Diet, Atkins Diet, and South Beach Diet are just a few of the ... . Eliminating empty carbohydrates like white sugar can also help keep your sweet tooth from craving junk food.

Description : What is a good high cholesterol diet plan?

Last Answer : There are several sites that offer this info. Here is one of

Description : Is there a high protein diabetic diet plan?

Last Answer : Yes, there is something call the high protein diabetic diet plan out there. If you want to learn more about it check out this very informative site on it.