Trace the error:

void main( )


int *b, &a;

*b = 20

printf(“%d, %d”, a, *b)


(A) No error (B) Logical error (C) Syntax error (D) Semantic error

1 Answer

Answer :

(C) Syntax error

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Description : What is wrong in this statement? scanf(“%d”,whatnumber);

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Last Answer : (A) y = (int)(x+0.5)

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Last Answer : (B) ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers.

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Last Answer : (A) 2550

Description : Write a C program Reading and Writing data using Scanf() and Printf() statement -Technology

Last Answer : #include int main(){ char ch; char str[100]; printf('Enter any character '); scanf('%c', &ch); printf('Entered character is %c ', ch); printf('Enter any string ( upto 100 ... , str);}OUTPUT:Enter any characteraEntered character is aEnter any string ( upto 100 character )haiEntered string is hai

Description : printf ("%" d,% x ", & b); Explain the statement ?

Last Answer : printf ( % d,% x , & b); Here , the printf statement displays the output function printf () function as a variable data result of different data types. The C program is used to ... b respectively which indicates the memory location of integer type a and b variables where data will be stored.

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Last Answer : Write print f instead of printf, the syntax is wrong. If the syntax is wrong then the language in which the program is written is grammatically incorrect. As can be seen , the word Printf ... error. This error is easily detected when translating with a compiler and sends a message to the computer.

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Last Answer : The most commonly used function as an output statement in C language is printf (), which can be used to display various types of data (such as int, Char, float, etc.), including strings or strings ... programming . That is, both print () and getch () act as essential functions for C programming .

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Last Answer : printf( ) & scanf( ): printf() and scanf() functions are library functions in C programming language defined in stdio.h . printf() function is used to print the character, string, float, integer, octal and hexadecimal ... number"); scanf("%d",&i); printf("Entered number is: %d",i); getch(); }

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Last Answer : Example: if(5>2 & & 6

Description : Match the following HTTP status code to their respective definitions. i) 400 a) OK ii) 500 b) Not found iii) 200 c) Continue iv) 100 d) Internal server error A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c B) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d D) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d

Last Answer : A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c

Description : Match the following mechanisms for interrupting the execution of a process and their uses. i) Interrupt a) Call to an operating system function ii) Trap b) Reaction to an asynchronous external event iii) Supervisor Call c) Handling of a error ... -a, iii-b C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a D) i-a, ii-c, iii-b

Last Answer : C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a

Description : Match the following HTTP status code to their respective definitions. i) 400 a) OK ii) 500 b) Not found iii) 200 c) Continue iv) 100 d) Internal server error A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c B) i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d C) i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-d D) i-b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d

Last Answer : A) i-b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c

Description : The ............layer of OSI model can use the trailer of the frame for error detection. A) Physical B) Data link C) Transport D) Presentation

Last Answer : A) Physical

Description : What is the output of the following code? a={1:"A",2:"B",3:"C"} a.setdefault(4,"D") print(a) a) {1: ‘A’, 2: ‘B’, 3: ‘C’, 4: ‘D’}. b) None. c) Error.

Last Answer : a) {1: ‘A’, 2: ‘B’, 3: ‘C’, 4: ‘D’}.

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Last Answer : d) 4

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Last Answer : c) Since “susan” is not a key in the set, Python raises a KeyError exception

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Last Answer : c) Error

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Last Answer : b) False

Description : What will be the output? d = {"john":40, "peter":45} "john" in d a) True b) False c) None d) Error

Last Answer : a) True

Description : What is the output of the following code? >>> a=(1,2,3,4) >>> del(a[2]) a) Now, a=(1,2,4) b) Now, a=(1,3,4) c) Now a=(3,4) d) Error as tuple is immutable

Last Answer : d) Error as tuple is immutable

Description : If a=(1,2,3,4), a[1:-1] is a) Error, tuple slicing doesn’t exist b) [2,3]. c) (2,3,4) d) (2,3)

Last Answer : d) (2,3)

Description : What will be the output? >>>my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4) >>>my_tuple.append( (5, 6, 7) ) >>>print len(my_tuple) a) 1 b) 2 c) 5 d) Error

Last Answer : c) 5