Are fiber supplements really necessary?

1 Answer

Answer :

Fiber supplements may be helpful, especially for a person who is transitioning to a new diet. Fiber supplements promote digestion and can reduce blood cholesterol levels. However, it is important that one take fiber supplements in moderation, as unwanted symptoms such as dehydration and fluid imbalances can result from excess doses.

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Description : Is it a bad idea to mix other supplements in a fiber "shake"?

Last Answer : Just make sure you start slowly, and gradually increase, your intake of fiber. I don't think consuming other things would affect absorption, whether or not it is part of the shake, since it does ... didn't know existed by mistake, bad things will happen. What powders/things are you wanting to add?

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Last Answer : There are many fiber supplements on the market in powders, pills, & capsules. Look for water-soluable fiber supplements as they are most effective. The average person should have 25-25 grams of fiber daily.

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Last Answer : Fiber is a good addition to any weight loss diet plan. It helps you feel full more quickly so that you eat less at each meal.

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Last Answer : Metamucil is a great fiber supplement. It has been for over twenty years. Fiber One has not been around as long but it is also very good.

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