The Importance Of Vitamins?

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Answer :

In order to function properly your body needs vitamins. The good news is that your body will absorb the nutrients it needs through the foods that you eat. However, many people follow a modern diet plan that is comprised of fast-food and other sources that lack the proper nutrients. For this reason, you may need to attain vitamins in the form of supplements.There are 13 vitamins that your body needs to run correctly. If your body is lacking any of these nutrients it will begin to show signs of a deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies may cause a variety of symptoms that can be treated once understood, but too often go misdiagnosed.Symptoms of a vitamin deficiency include:FatigueCognitive impairmentPainMuscle weaknessRashIf you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then it is important that you consult a physician immediately.Vitamins play a particular purpose in the human body. Different vitamins can enhance your health in different ways depending on how they influence your body when ingested. Here is a list of the 13 vitamins that your body needs and what their primary purpose is for your health.Vitamin A: This is an antioxidant that helps in a variety of your essential bodily functions, including your vision, reproduction and bone growth. Vitamin A can also provide strength to your immune system.Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to keep your skin, bones and immune system strong. This is also an antioxidant, and is especially important for pregnant women, those who are recovering from surgery and burn victims.Vitamin D: This vitamin helps your body to absorb calcium, which is important for bone strength. In addition to being present in dairy, vitamin D can be absorbed through the sun.Vitamin E: Another antioxidant, vitamin E helps to protect the skin against free radicals and supports both the immune system and metabolic function.Vitamin K: This nutrient helps your blood to clot correctly so that a small cut does not bleed excessively. Vitamin K helps the body to create proteins for healthier bones and tissues.The B Vitamins make up the remaining of the 13 vitamins crucial to your health. These vitamins help your body to properly absorb and process the nutrients that are found in the foods that you eat regularly, helping you to gain a boost of energy. They can also help in the production of red blood cells. These include:Thiamine (B1)Riboflavin (B2)Niacin (B3)Pantothenic acid (B5)B6Biotin (B7)Vitamin B-12Folate

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