“A dog’s sense of smell is thought to be over 1,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. They have been used to detect cancer in humans based on smelling breath samples.”

1 Answer

Answer :

A dog interprets the world predominantly by smell, whereas a human interprets it by sight. A human has about 5 million scent glands, compared to a dog, which can have anywhere from 125 million to 300 million (depending on the breed). In one example is: a small drop of blood was diluted into 20 Olympic sized swimming pools, the test dog could smell with ease that there was blood in the pool.

When dogs smell something they are not just registering a smell, they get an entire story. They can smell pheromones, which are not only found in urine and faecal matter, but on skin and fur. From this they can tell a lot about another dog or animal including if they are male or female, what they ate, where they have been, what they have touched, and even what mood they are in. They can also smell some forms of cancer in people, including smelling it “in situ” or at stage zero, mostly through human breath.

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Last Answer : If you want to stay sharp in old age, learning a language could be the best neural workout. When you consider the challenges for the brain, it's no wonder most of us find learning a ... monolinguals, while for those fluent in four or more languages, enjoyed an extra nine years of healthy cognition.

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Last Answer : ANS.(C) ambiguous

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Last Answer : Do you know what is special about the following sentence? ‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’. This type of sentence is called a ‘pangram’ as it uses every letter in the English language.

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Last Answer : Researchers in the Netherlands and France studied quicksand, which is a combination of fine sand, clay, and salt water. At rest, quicksand thickens with time, but it remains very sensitive to small variations in ... you need to lower the stress, which you can do by slowly trying to lie on your back.

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Last Answer : This is a an example of the mathematical probability, and can be calculated by working out the probability that no one share a birthday, and then subtracting this from 1 or 100%. With a group of 75 people there’s a 99.9 per cent chance.

Description : “Scientists can un-boil an egg.” 

Last Answer : First they added a urea substance to the egg to turn the cooked white back into a liquid. This is then put into a vortex fluid device, where the tangled proteins are spun and ... can help cancer researchers, pharmaceuticals, agricultural and other industries save a great deal of time and money

Description : “Sound waves can be used to make objects levitate.”

Last Answer : Levitation of objects using sound has been around for a few years. If you've ever stood in front of a large speaker you'll know that they can pump out what feels like quite a ... air corresponding the wavelength of the sound wave. To levitate something just requires creating a standing wave.

Description : “In 2011, a 75-year-old Georgian woman sliced some fibre optic cables and cut off the internet to two entire countries.”

Last Answer : An elderly Georgian woman was scavenging for copper to sell as scrap when she accidentally sliced through an underground cable and cut off internet services to all of neighbouring Armenia. As ... pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.

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Description : “The average person spends 67 minutes per day eating and drinking beverages.” 

Last Answer : Summed up together, the average person spends a staggering 32,000 hours eating and drinking in their lifetime – equivalent to 3 years and 8 months.

Description : “The entire internet weighs about the same as one large strawberry.” 

Last Answer : The weight of all the electrons in the electricity required to make the internet work (assuming 100 million servers supporting the internet, and not including home PCs) is equivalent to 40 billion watts, which weighs about 50 grams.

Description : “In England, it is most likely to be raining at 7am and least likely at 3am.” 

Last Answer : The average English rain shower lasts two and half hours. The old countryman's sayings, "If rain begins at early morning light, 'twill end ere day at noon is bright," is almost always true: early morning rain usually clears by midday

Description : “In 5 billion years, the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a Red Giant and swallow the Earth!” 

Last Answer : The Sun is a star, and like all stars, has a life cycle. Our sun is currently 4.5 billion years old, and is in the middle of its life. In about five billion years, the sun will have used up all ... time, the sun will be about 10 per cent hotter than it is now, and vaporise all the water on Earth.

Description : “Astronauts cannot burp in space.” 

Last Answer : This is all to do with gravity. On Earth gravity helps us to burp by holding all the solid and wet waste in our stomachs exactly there, in our stomachs, whilst the gas comes out. In space ... not a pleasant experience for astronauts or their crewmates. In fact, they call this experience: a Bomit.

Description : “The sun that you see is actually from eight minutes ago.”

Last Answer : In order to see the sun, light needs to travel from the sun, through space, to our eyes. The Earth orbits the sun distance at a distance of about 150 million km. Light travels at about 300,000 km ... 20 seconds. This means that if the sun were to suddenly vanish, we wouldn't know for eight minutes!

Description : “Tsunamis can travel at speeds of about 500 miles or 805 kilometres an hour, almost as fast as a jet plane.”

Last Answer : The impact of earthquakes are what typically generate tsunami waves. The biggest tsunami ever recorded hit southwest shoreline of Alaska in 1958. The force of the wave was measured at 1720 feet (524 meters) high. This is the largest wave that has ever been known to humans!