Where can I buy hutches?

1 Answer

Answer :

Hutches can be bought from many different companies. Some are much more exotic than others and prices will vary depending on the type of hutch you are trying to buy. A more specific hutch of specific size would have to be tailored made. You may have to find a carpenter in your area for this. But the regular standardized hutches can be found at Walmart, Sam's Club, K-mart depending on where you live. Also many Amish communities will be happy to sell you a hutch with your own customized style. Or if you want to make one for specific purpose, they can accommodate you on those specifications. Here is some more info on local Amish made hutches: http://www.woodloft.com/hutches/country.htm.

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Description : I have a modern style home, are hutches considered too traditional for my modern style?

Last Answer : It would depend on the style of the hutch. A traditional hutch would probably not work. However, there are many furniture stores that offer beautiful contemporary hutches that would work with your modern style home.