
1 Answer

Answer :

DefinitionTonsillectomy is surgery to remove the tonsils. These glands are at the back of your throat. Often, tonsillectomy is done at the same time as adenoidectomy, surgery to remove the adenoid glands.Alternative NamesTonsils removalDescriptionYour child will be given general anesthesia before surgery. They will be asleep and pain free.The surgeon will insert a small tool into your child's mouth to prop it open.The surgeon then cuts or burns away the tonsils. The doctor will control bleeding, and the cuts heal naturally without stitches.Your child will stay in the recovery room after surgery until they are awake and can breathe easily, cough, and swallow. Most children go home several hours after this surgery.Why the Procedure Is PerformedThe tonsils help protect against infections. But

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Description : What do you recommend for a 5 y.o. getting a tonsillectomy?

Last Answer : Ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream. :)

Description : Could an allergy sufferer benefit from having a tonsillectomy?

Last Answer : My tonsils were taken out when I was 8 and I still get the scratchy irritation you describe in that area when my allergies are bothering me, so I doubt it would make a difference. Now if you were getting recurrent infections because of the drainage, that would be different.