What will help get rid of the garlic smell?

1 Answer

Answer :

What will help get rid of the garlic smell?

For a Russian person, it is simply impossible to refuse rich borscht with garlic or a sandwich with well-salted bacon, fragrant with the unique aroma of garlic. No amount of reasoning that tomorrow's trip to work will turn into bewildered glances from colleagues who are unlikely to appreciate the dubious trail of odors that you will spread throughout the office, usually does not help. For those who do not have the willpower to give up their favorite garlic, which is also an excellent way to prevent seasonal colds, you just need to know how to get rid of an unpleasant smell.

Sulfur compounds contained in garlic, once in the oral cavity, interact with bacteria located there. The products of this interaction are the cause of the unpleasant odor that remains after any dish containing garlic. The fault is allicin - it is a product of certain chemical reactions with a pungent smell - it is its aroma that we feel immediately after cutting a clove of garlic.

How to remove the smell of garlic?

At home, you can eliminate the specific garlic odor from the mouth using the following simple recommendations:

After eating, brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly, then rinse your mouth with warm water. This will significantly reduce the odor-causing bacteria.

Drink a glass of milk - it has the ability to reduce the concentration of substances that cause unpleasant odors.

If you have almonds or pine nuts on hand , grab a few and chew them thoroughly.

To reduce the odor, you can drink a cup of mint or green tea .

Lemon in any of its forms will help freshen your breath and remove an unpleasant aroma - you can drink juice, eat a couple of slices of fruit or chew the zest.

You can chew on a couple of coffee beans.

Fresheners for the oral cavity. This is an affordable and easy way, but it should be borne in mind that not all products of this type can cope with the garlic smell. Manufacturers must indicate this on the packaging, so be careful when choosing such a product.

Last but not least, chew the parsley leaves to kill bacteria in your mouth and help keep your breath fresh. Chewing them for a few minutes can completely get rid of bad breath.

But the garlic smell remains not only in the mouth, but also on the hands, especially if it is necessary to grind it first to prepare the dish. In this case, the same lemon will also help to remove the unpleasant aroma. Squeeze the juice from half of the fruit into a bowl and rub your hands with it - the smell will disappear almost instantly.

If you don't have lemon on hand, you can use other available means, for example, salt or soda. They also need to rub your hands for a few minutes, and the scent will disappear.

Hope these simple tips help you quickly fix your garlic odor problem.

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