Why did Martin Luther king jr say i refuse five times in his speech?

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Related questions

Description : In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of which landmark?

Last Answer : Lincoln Memorial

Description : How does Martin Luther King Jr.'s use of metaphor in this passage from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech affect his tone?

Last Answer : It makes the speech sound more poetic

Description : What was an image used by Martin Luther king Jr in his. I have a dream speech?

Last Answer : children living in peace was an image used by Martin Luther KingJr. in his I Have a Dream speech

Description : What technique does Martin Luther King Jr. use by comparing justice to an injured person in this passage from his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech?

Last Answer : Metaphor.

Description : In front of which building in Washington D.C. did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his I Have a Dream speech in August 1963?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : Read the following passage from a famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963, Which social division is he talking about ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : In this passage Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is talking about racism in USA. He is referring to the segregation policies adopted by the Whites towards the colored people. He hopes that one ... a relationship between his speech and Mexico Olympics as in both the cases there is racial discrimination.

Description : What year did Martin Luther king . Jr 'i have a dream ' speech?

Last Answer : August 28,1963 in Washington D.C Lincoln Memorial

Description : Was Martin Luther King Jr Jr. a slave or was there slavery in his time?

Last Answer : Martin Luther King Jr. was not a slave, but he fought for equalcivil rights towards black people.

Description : Did Martin Luther King Jr write all of his speeches?

Last Answer : yes he was a minster

Description : What did martin Luther king jr did in his life?

Last Answer : Nothing

Description : I was just listening to the famous Dr. Martin Luther King speech. Would you say his dream has been completely materialized since the day he made that wonderful speech?

Last Answer : I believe Dr. King would be pleased with the progress but disappointed that after so long, there is still so much bigotry and racism in America.

Description : Who exactly shot Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the head? And why?

Last Answer : James Earl Ray. The conspiracy theories are just like every other conspiracy theory – an inability by inconsequential “normal” people to believe that an otherwise inconsequential “normal” person can wake up in the morning and do something that completely changes everyones world view.

Description : If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today, would he be in business with the likes of The Reverend Jesse Jackson, and The Reverend Al Sharpton?

Last Answer : I doubt it, seriously. I feel Dr. King was in a very different league then Sharton and Jackson. King had much more sincere character and finess. I also feel he spoke from his heart, not from what he thought would make him great. Just my humble opinion.

Description : If Abraham Lincoln fought Martin Luther King Jr. who would win?

Last Answer : By the way, it’s not racist to route for Abraham Lincoln, as an official for Racism Awareness America I’m making the call that these two figures fighting has nothing to do with racism so you’re okay.

Description : Do you think we should get rid of streets named Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in America?

Last Answer : Interesting question. But I think the problem is the poverty, not what the poorest area of every town happens to be named.

Description : Who would be the atheist equivalent of Martin Luther King Jr.?

Last Answer : There is not one, because whoever tried, they could never rally and organise enough atheists. Atheists are like cats, a superior life form, but impossible to be herded.

Description : Why is Martin Luther King Jr. day a holiday and Cezar Chavez day is not in America?

Last Answer : Some states didn’t recognize MLK day until fairly recently. How come some states don’t recognize all Jewish holidays? Or Islamic ones? Just how things go.

Description : Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. classroom activities?

Last Answer : The best place to visit is Teaching Tolerance. It has lessons for every grade level. Edit: and type “Dr. King” into the search box.

Description : Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today or caught up in all the Inaugural Celebrations?

Last Answer : Neither. Here in Canada, as with most other countries in the world apart from the United States of America, today is just another Monday.

Description : If Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today would society view him the same way it views Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton?

Last Answer : I (personally) believe that the black “leaders” that you refer to are not of the same caliber as Dr King and are not necessarily comparable. So my answer would be no, I believe he would be admired for his work.

Description : Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?

Last Answer : I suggest you go to google and type in your question…you will find all kinds of information. Unless you are trying to be philosophical.

Description : Name the movement led by Martin Luther king, Jr. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Civil Rights Movement.

Description : What lessons have been learnt from the Civil Rights Movement of Martin Luther King Jr in the USA? -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) People learnt that issues such as discrimination on the basis of colour existed in many regions of the world and especially in the USA. (ii) The issue of equality was much ... only in a democracy that disadvantaged sections of society are able to highlight their problems and find solutions.

Description : What was the original name of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Last Answer : Michael.

Description : Who died first Martin Luther king jr or Robert Kennedy?

Last Answer : MLK died before Kennedy

Description : what is martin Luther king jr?

Last Answer : hes a great person who was killed by big meanny heads

Description : What's open and what's closed on Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

Last Answer : What's closed: Banks, most K-12 schools, colleges, and universities, the post office, the library.What's open: Private businesses usually stay open on MLK Day, including chain grocery ... and retailers. Some smaller, independent businesses might be closed. National parks will also remain open.

Description : Is Martin Luther King Jr. a common noun?

Last Answer : No.Martin Luther King Jr. is the name of a specific person.Any name is a proper noun.

Description : What was the effect of the boycott on Martin Luther King Jr philosophy within the civil rights movement?

Last Answer : The Boycott elevated the approach of nonviolent protest-NovaNet:))

Description : What does racial justice mean when Martin Luther King Jr. does it?

Last Answer : wow

Description : Why is Martin Luther King Jr day celebrated on the 3rd Monday of Jan?

Last Answer : The 3rd Monday of January is MLK's own birthday, or close toit.

Description : What made martin Luther king jr. feel bad?

Last Answer : seeing whites only signs

Description : What was Martin Luther King Jr.'s early life?

Last Answer : Martin Luther King Jr was born Jan. 15,1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.He entered a public school at age 5. In May 1936 he was baptized.When King was born his grandmother Jennie died of a heart ... grades. King entered the MarehouseCollege in Atlanta, Georgia at age 15 in 1944. He also took bibleclasses.

Description : What were Martin Luther King Jr favorite breakfast?

Last Answer : His biography doesn’t tell us that information.

Description : What were martin Luther king jr goals?

Last Answer : -to improve racial problems in the us-for everyone[black&white] live together in peace.-for black and white children to go to the same school

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : Why did Malcolm X criticize Martin Luther King Jr. and the mainstream Civil Rights Movement?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What was the life quality of Martin Luther King Jr.'s childhood?

Last Answer : it was medium

Description : When did Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Die?

Last Answer : He died April 4, 1968 at 6:01 PM at the age of 39. While standing on his balcony at the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, he was wounded and killed by a gunshot from his ... and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section indicated below this answer box.

Description : Who inspired Martin Luther King Jr?

Last Answer : Previous black civil rights leaders such as Booker T Washington inspired Martin Luther King Jr.He was also inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.he was inspired by both gandhi and Rosa Parksgandhi;he believed in non ... a white person and was jailed for it this inspired martin luther king to stand up to them

Description : Is Martin Luther King Jr still alive?

Last Answer : no, he died april 4th, 1963...

Description : Does Martin Luther King Jr wear glasses?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Was martin luther king jr a Christian?

Last Answer : Yes, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian.

Description : What is the relationship between today's generation of activists and Martin Luther King Jr.?

Last Answer : Martin Luther King, Jr. was a well-known civil rights activist who had a great deal of influence on American society in the 1950s and 1960s. His strong belief in nonviolent protest helped set ... movement. ... Being an advocate for nonviolent protest in the Memphis Sanitation Worker Strike in 1968.

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Last Answer : African Americans