Do you support SUICIDE?

1 Answer

Answer :

This is not a new thing. I've been aware of it for some time. Tony Nicklinson, a man close to where I live suffered a catastrophic stroke in 2005 at the age of 56 which gave him "locked in syndrome". It left him paralysed below the neck and unable to speak. He fought relentlessly through the courts for the right to die but lost his case. He died 6 days after losing but had been refusing food and eventually died of pneumonia, I think in a case like this it is perfectly understandable. He would never get well again, he fought for two years for the right to die with dignity so it was not a snap decision. His whole family supported him as they could not bear to see him this way, He had been a fit and active man before the stroke. Assisted suicide is not legal in the UK but he did not see why he should have to go to another country where it is legal which is why he fought for the right to die with dignity not just for himself but for others who may be in a similar position. I totally understand his point of view as I would not like to live as he did. Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany and the Nertherlands in addition to the US states you mention.

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