For the third week or so, I find myself thinking loudly in my head. The first week it was really critical, the second on the retreat and this third week it's much better. At first, I searched the Internet for various articles, rumblings, etc. During my contemplation, I said to myself that it could not be rumblings. I don't replay the specific situation all the time, but my thoughts randomly fly through my head and I comment on them out loud. I hadn't slept before because of it, my stomach ached, I felt utter anxiety and fear. Nowadays, it's better, although it still "haunts" sometimes. I wonder if it's because I dealt with housing, work and school. At present, I have after the entrance exams, housing and work have been solved without a problem, I have a fully functional beautiful relationship, strong ties with family and friends, but "these" states (sic in small doses) still appear. So I wanted to ask if it would go away on time (I will know the results of the entrance exams on July 8) or if I would have to undergo some psychotherapy / treatment. I'm a really strong personality and I think I can beat it myself without outside help, but I'd rather confide in me like that. The question is - is it purely the power of suggestion or can it have some medical origin?

1 Answer

Answer :

Hmm, I know that. I think it's a kind of overload of the body - mental overload. There are too many things to deal with, so you solve them out loud. Sometimes I find myself dealing with things that bother me and I know I can't influence them. For me, it's a harbinger of a burnout I've experienced before. I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning. In the end, by coincidence, everything changed during the year when I completely changed my values. I stopped working because most of it was work stress. I had an advantage, I could afford it. After a year, the desire to work returned. It will be ten years now, another ten years day and night on the phone, day and night on call. Today I have an advantage, all installments and corporate liabilities are paid, so I take it a little too much. And I'm older too, and I'm starting to have different values ​​in life. As MOWLA writes, you have to - not that you should, but you have to "press Reset", otherwise the world will start to change, you will not enjoy anything, everything will be sr.t. For me, it only works perfectly on vacation. I've had about 5 or six (weekly) in the last twenty years. I will fly away (preferably to the Canary Islands) and do not carry a mobile phone with me. It's so great that I'd rather be there all the time. But it doesn't have to be Kanáry, just Prachovské skály and without a mobile phone are enough.

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