For example, television is cheaper in verified stores than in shops, so it won't be a scam, but why can they afford to give lower prices on the Internet?

1 Answer

Answer :

the online store has the goods stored somewhere and just sends them. so saleswomen and rents do not have to pay for shops and for transport to shops and warehouse workers in shops, etc ....

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Last Answer : There are no salaries for store employees, rentals for stores and warehouses, transport costs and many other things. However, this may not always be the case. It also depends on what kind of contract or ... they buy. Many E-capabilities do not hold stocks, and if they do, they are usually minimal.

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Last Answer : Yikes, sorry there are no answers on this, James. That's not really typical of ask-public. I'd guess that no one on the site knows about the openPandora or they just don't know what to do ... right? Have you found information on this topic via other avenues? Could you post it here if you have?