1 Answer

Answer :

In peace The first Nobel The winner The woman Name Words Road.

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Description : Which of the following events occurred first? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first transmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie be-came the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... woman Nobel Prize winner: shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first transmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie be-came the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... woman Nobel Prize winner: shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first transmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie became the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... transmission on December 11, 1901; and Madame Curie becoming the first woman Nobel Prize winner.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first ? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first tranmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie became the first woman Nobel Prize winner

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Last Answer : Personal choice :)

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Last Answer : Ralph Johnson Bunche

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Last Answer : Haven’t heard that but I read that a few tea party type Norwegians have.

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Last Answer : answer:All for it. Controversial, sure. But no odder than giving the Peace prize to Obama in 2009. The way I see it, Snowden has done more for transparency and honesty in the last 8 months ... He has shown the hypocrisy and cravenness of countries all over the world. That should be worth rewarding.

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Last Answer : i think so, China's Human rights abuses are legendary, it's like their national sport or something, they are the all time champs. When the government declared open season on the Tiananmen square ... by the Chinese authorities, never to be seen again. Apparently for his own safety. Totally sick.

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Last Answer : answer:Everyone should get a penny. And no. When is the wheel going to get the prize?

Description : The Nobel peace prize is awarded in which city? -Awards

Last Answer : Oslo, Norway As stipulated in Nobel's will, the Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, while the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in Oslo, Norway.

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Last Answer : Malala Yousafzai & Kailash Satyarthi

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Last Answer : The African-American and United Nations (UN) official Ralph Bunche.

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Last Answer : Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 .

Last Answer : Dr. Muhammad Yunus receives the Nobel Peace Prize

Last Answer : : Dennis Mukwege and Nadia Murad.

Last Answer : UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 .

Last Answer : : Chemical Weapons Prohibition Agency ( OPCW), Grameen Bank.

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Last Answer : It makes the speech sound more poetic

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Last Answer : Metaphor.

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Last Answer : the answer is b modest APEX

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Because he was a long time activist in the Civil Rights Movement and he showed to all men, nations, and races that a struggle can be waged without violence. He made a message of brotherly love, and wanted to end all racial discrimination.because he helped black people with the equal rights

Description : Which nun won the Nobel prize for peace in 1979?

Last Answer : Mother Teresa

Description : Nobel Prize for Peace was awarded to Dr. Norman Borlaug in (a) 1969 (b) 1970 (c) 1971 (d) 1972

Last Answer : (a) 1969

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Last Answer : Kailash Satyarthi

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Last Answer : Amnesty International

Description : Which American President received the Nobel Prize for peace in 1906? (a) Andrew Jackson (b) Harry S. Truman (c) Theodore Roosevelt

Last Answer : (c) Theodore Roosevelt

Description : Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in the year 2010 ?

Last Answer : Liu Xiaobo

Description : Dr. Linus Carl Pauling is the only person to have won two Nobel Prizes individually for: A. Chemistry in 1954, peace prize in 1962 B. Peace prize in 1954, Chemistry in 1962 C. Physics in 154, Medicine in 1962 D. Medicine in 1954, Physics in 1962

Last Answer : A. Chemistry in 1954, peace prize in 1962

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Last Answer : D. All the above

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Last Answer : European Union

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Last Answer : Economics

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Last Answer : Dr. N.E. Borlaug 

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Last Answer : Oslo

Description : Which ex-U.S. President has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize-2002 ? (1) John F. Kennedy (2) William Jefferson Clinton (3) Jimmy Carter (4) Franklin D. Rossevelt

Last Answer : Jimmy Carter

Last Answer : No woman has yet won the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Description : Ws of 1991, the most recent award of a Nobel Prize in medicine to a woman scientist went to this esteemed pharmacologist and biochemist. She shared her prize with George Hitchings for ... drugs that selectively block nucleic acid synthesis without damaging normal cells. Name this woman scientist.


Description : This female American geneticist achieved recognition as one of the world's foremost investigators in cytogenetics, the study of heredity by cellular and genetic methods. In 1951 she discovered that gene ... was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1983. Who is this notable woman scientist?


Description : In 1977, this American female scientist shared the Nobel Prize in medicine for her work in the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones. In awarding the prize, the Nobel Committee described ... about a revolution in biolocial and medical research". Who is this eminent woman scientist? 


Description : Using X-ray crystallography, this woman scientist determined the structures of large biochemical molecules, including penicillin in 1949 and vitamin B12 in 1956. In 1969 she determined the three ... X-ray techniques of the structures of important biochemical substances." Name this woman scientist.


Description : Xorn in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1896, this woman scientist received her MD from the German University in Prague. After moving to Washington University in the United States, she and her husband ... for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion." Name this esteemed woman scientist.