What is the name of the founder of "" ? And he is a resident of any district / police station /. And When / in what year was it established ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Habibur Rahman (I) is the founder of Ans Bangla. I am a resident of Sadar of Sylhet district. Ans Bangla was established on 25 April 2019 .

Related questions

Last Answer : Habibur Rahman is the founder of Ans Bangla.

Last Answer : H.Rahman , the administrator of the founder site of Ans Bangla

Description : When was Ans Bangla established ?

Last Answer : Ans Bangla was established on April 25, 2019.

Description : Doing so will not work on this site ? Atiqur Rahman Bhai will do whatever he wants because he has become the coordinator. He is blocking me to become one and answering questions by himself.

Last Answer : answer:

Description : After Rakib Bhai became the editor, how can he not follow the policy !. He is not using beard , comma in any answer !! Take administrative action!

Last Answer : : Yes, of course , because he is a special member. There was talk of being a regular member ...

Last Answer : Everyone except administrators can get rewards! This means that other special members besides the administrators are also eligible for the award. And from now on the administrators will not be seen in the list of the ... here to see the list of best point gurus ... Thanks , stay with Ans Bangla ...

Last Answer : The system of answering one's own questions is currently running in Ans Bangla! So he will be rewarded if he is in the first three of the list of best point gurus. But if someone opens a fake ID and votes in the answer, then his ID will be blocked. Thanks , stay with Ans Bangla ...

Last Answer : 8 Police station There are Namely : - 1 . Srimangal. 2 . Kamalganj. 3 . Moulvibazar Headquarters. 4 . Kulaura. 5 . Rajnagar. . _ Highlights. . _ Pair.

Description : Launch Weekly Winner for AdSense ?

Last Answer : You first learn about it. Here is Adsense.

Description : Why is there such a text when you enter the site ?

Last Answer : If you go to www.google.com and search for Ansbangla, you can come to Ansbangla by clicking there. Thank you!

Description : How many points of auto-approval on this site ?

Last Answer : Sorry. No points are required for auto approval on this site.

Description : Why is the reward system so low compared to Q &A ? This means that the prizes of 2nd and 3rd are much less. When will the amount of prizes be increased more ?

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Description : Can the answers to the general knowledge questions be given in a single word ?

Last Answer : No. A minimum of 12 characters must be used

Description : I answered a lot of questions , but why am I not in the top 20 of the month ?

Last Answer : If you add 1 point more than the lowest point in the list of 20 points, your name will appear in the points list. Suppose , my points are less than 20 points in the list. And if you make 21 points, your name ... list instead of my name. Your points are low so there is no name in the list.

Description : Why do some members answer their own questions ?

Last Answer : The site is brand new so this rule is on.

Description : What is the reward of Ans Bangla. And why ?

Last Answer : First Winner - 500 Taka Second Winner - 350 Taka Third Winner - 150 Taka It is given mainly to increase the interest of the users.

Description : What can be done with Ans Bangla Point ?

Last Answer : Ans Bangla is basically a means of solving problems. Here different people bring their daily problems and Ans Bangla members try to solve them. Nominal rewards are given at the end of the month with points earned here. Which is extremely slight.

Description : How to make money from ?

Last Answer : There are 3 winners in the list who get the highest points each month. We have been making payments for over 1 year now.

Description : Can I run this site for free ? With Free Basic ?

Last Answer : No, we haven't been able to add the site for free yet. However, I am trying to make it free. It needs your help. Because our number of members is less. If our membership increases, we will be ... invite you or your friends to become members. We will be able to reach the success very soon. Thank you!

Description : What are the requirements to be a member of Ans Bangla ?

Last Answer : Ans Bangla is an online community. Members in the community can answer questions and queries on anything from serious to light. Being an online community, this site will be a meeting place for ... may make any modifications , additions or subtractions to these rules in the interest of the community.

Description : Can I answer my own question ?

Last Answer : Hmmm. Here you can ask your own questions and answer them yourself. And you can take part in the monthly prize competition. Thank you!

Description : Does it take MB to run Ans Bangla ?

Last Answer : Yes, of course it takes MB. You can't drive for free.

Description : If you ask a question , it should be stopped. This is not the case . It is very annoying not to give points and decrease of points when asking questions, brother , and the desire to do activities ... like this but no one can say. So my request to the administrator is that they consider the matter.

Last Answer : : It is really annoying not to give points and decrease points when asking questions , and because of this , the desire to do activities is dying. So I want it to stop.

Description : How about not cutting points for questions on this site ?

Last Answer : This site is better than other sites. If you ask a question here, the point that is deducted will be returned if you answer it. For example, if you deduct 2 points for the question, if you answer again, it gives 5 points.

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Last Answer : Mark the text and if you press the text A there, the text will be in small letters. Thanks!

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Last Answer : Now you have the answer option Think about how I got the answer to your question if I didn't get the answer option Get a little better

Description : How to post on the wall ?

Last Answer : You can post what you think you need to say or at any time on the wall.

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Last Answer : : If you have not been active for one week without any reason, Ensbangla would have taken away the membership post first This process is now closed for special reasons

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Last Answer : Yes , if it was free, there would be more visitors + members.

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Last Answer : I checked but I can't reply because your message is closed.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : What a surprise! I enter this site , exit later and see the site ID logged out automatically! ?

Last Answer : Reopen properly.

Description : I would like to know the details about the award system. ?

Last Answer : https://www./6117/ Go here for details.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : What rewards are given on this site ? What are the prizes here and how ?

Last Answer : Here every month the question gurus are honored.

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Last Answer : There is no way to get points without answering the question in Ans Bangla. If you answer a question you will get +5 points.

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : You may have forgotten the option to keep secret. So that's it.

Description : What can be done with the points of this site ? What can be done with the points of this site ?

Last Answer : After gaining some points you will get some opportunity. If you do good deeds, you will be given a special position. For this you need to be regularly active on this site , and provide ... , redistributing any question , voting for the answer , editing any question , editing any answer, etc.

Description : What's up with this site ? Why did Ashraful Mahi resign ?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why do I lose points ?

Last Answer : Your points are reduced because if you answer a question and you are careful with that answer then the points are reduced. Also if you just ask a question without answering any question then it will be reduced by 2 points and if you answer it 5 points will be added.

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Last Answer : answer: