How to Do Parkour

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How to Do Parkour
No obstacle cannot be overcome by the human body.  Parkour is that elegant blend of gymnastics, free-running, and martial arts that seeks to traverse obstacles in the quickest, most efficient way possible.  If you’re interested in Parkour, here are some tips to help you out.

What is Parkour?
The objective of Parkour is to traverse obstacles in a given path in the most efficient way possible.  People who practice Parkour are called traceurs. Parkour uses the natural design and abilities of the human body to overcome physical obstacles like ledges, walls, beams, or gaps.

Here are some of the principles of Parkour:

Momentum. As the body moves, it generates momentum that can be translated to energy.  People who do Parkour use their body’s momentum to overcome obstacles in their paths.  The key to Parkour is to not waste movement.
Balance. Many obstacles like beams, gaps, and ledges require great timing and a good sense of balance to traverse.  Parkour relies on a good sense of hand-eye coordination to overcome obstacles.
Efficiency. The main goal of Parkour is to overcome obstacles in the fastest, most efficient way possible.  Instead of plowing through an obstacle or avoiding it altogether, a traceur will find a way to overcome that obstacle in the quickest, safest way possible.
Uses of Parkour
Thanks to movies like “Casino Royale” and TV series like “Heroes,” Parkour is now becoming a very popular outdoor activity.  Parkour is more than just a sport or a form of recreation:

Self-defense. A traceur pushes and uses the limits of his or her body to move along obstacles and places that any other human being cannot pass through.  Skills learned and practiced in Parkour are particularly useful for fleeing from a fight, or setting up a mode of attack.  Many people who do Parkour are also trained in martial arts.
Movement. One of the practical applications of Parkour is to move along obstacles.  Parkour is usually performed in urban areas, although some techniques in Parkour may also be used for routes in the countryside.
Training for Parkour
Parkour requires a lot of flexibility, coordination, and skill to learn and to perfect.  Here are two ways that you can learn how to master techniques in Parkour:

Gymnastics. Many skills learned in gymnastics can help you in Parkour.  Gymnastics teaches you balance, and also give you a good idea of what your body can do.  You can then turn obstacles into gymnastic equipment by vaulting, passing, and jumping over them.
Outdoor obstacles. Trained traceurs are often willing to teach you some of the skills needed to do Parkour.  Make sure, though, that the physical obstacle you’re trying to overcome is safe and would not cause serious injury in the long run.
The human body is designed to overcome obstacles, however difficult they are.  With these tips, you can use Parkour to prove that when it comes to any object that gets in your way, nothing is impossible.

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