How to Wakeboard

1 Answer

Answer :

How to Wakeboard
Wakeboarding is a popular beach activity and is relatively easy to learn, not to mention loads of fun. Skim over the water using a wakeboard by doing these steps.

Wet suit
Ski boat
Water ski ropes
Life vests
Choose a wakeboard. You can always rent one at the beach if you’re a beginner. Remember that the perfect wakeboard should complement your height, weight and skill level. Ask a store manager to help you out.

Have someone help you strap in. Remember, safety first.
Once you’re on the water, lie on your back on the wakeboard. Keep your knees bent and facing the boat. Your feet and the nose of the board should be facing the boat too, with the board perpendicular to the tow rope.
The wakeboard’s roap should be firmly in your hands, resting over the center of the wakeboard.
Keep your back flat as the boat and the wakeboard begin to move.
The acceleration of the boat will pull you up gradually. Let the motion guide your movements. When you’re up, put your dominant foot forward (if you’re right handed, go for the right foot and vice versa). This can be pretty tricky to maneouver, so watch out!
Keep the handle of the boat on the same side where your hip is facing the boat to maintain your balance.
To change the direction of your wakeboard, put your weight on your heels or on your toes. The direction where the weight is will dictate where the wakeboard will go.
Maintain your balance by putting a consistent weight on your back leg, with the front leg doing all the direction work.
You’ll be able to feel your center of gravity by how stable you are on the wakeboard. Shifting it according to the movements on the water will help stabilize your position even further.

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Description : Do you wax a wakeboard like a surfboard?

Last Answer : Yes, more or less the same techniques are used. Surfboard wax and wakeboard wax are primarily the same material. Waxing a wakeboard before hitting the water will give you a smoother, safer ride overall.