What is the difference between a sound and a letter ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sound is the smallest unit of sound language. The written form of sound is called varna. The sound is divided into two parts. For example, vowel and consonant sounds. Sound is the basic unit of language. Only one symbol or letter is used in the sound. Sound is the most meaningful word that a person creates when he tries to express his thoughts to others. Example of sound: a , a. A syllable is a set of one or more sounds that are uttered with little effort from the vocabulary. The characters are divided into two parts. Such as - 1. Svaranta and 2. Consonant. Letters are the unit of words. One or more letters are used in the written form of the letter. When we utter a word, we break it down. This broken part of pronunciation is called letters. Example of letters The word 'sky' has two letters 'a' and 'kash'

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Last Answer : The noun term in which the idea of ​​a verb or action is expressed is called a noun. For example: going (feeling or going to work) , philosophy (seeing work) etc.

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