What is Twitter ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Twitter is also a popular social media like Facebook. This social media based in the United States is equally popular all over the world. Twitter is an English word meaning bird's chirp.

Related questions

Description : What kind of medium is Twitter ?

Last Answer : Twitter is the social media.

Description : What is Twitter ?

Last Answer : Twitter is a social networking and microblogging website , where users can exchange and publish messages up to a maximum of 260 characters. These messages are called tweets. Twitter members' tweets can ... work is called following. Those who register to read a member's tweets are called followers.

Description : What are the main similarities between Twitter and Facebook ?

Last Answer : The main similarity between Twitter and Facebook is that both can be followed.

Description : What is another name for Twitter ?

Last Answer : Since it can express and exchange attitudes within 140 characters . So it can also be called a microblogger's website.