Who was the first asian to have received the Nobel Prize? -General Knowledge

1 Answer

Answer :

Amartya Sen Amartya Sen (b-1933): Prof. Amartya Sen is the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics for the year 1998, becoming the first Asian to have been honoured with the award.

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Description : Who was the first asian to have received the Nobel Prize? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The answer is 'R.N. Tagore'

Description : Who was the first asian to have received the Nobel Prize?

Last Answer : R.N. Tagore

Description : Who is the first Asian Winner of Nobel Prize? -Awards

Last Answer : Rabindranath Tagore

Description : Who is the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize ?

Last Answer : World Poet Rabindranath Tagore was the first person in Asia to win the Nobel Prize

Description : Who was the first Asian to be awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 ?

Last Answer : Rabindranath Tagore

Description : Which is the only Indian to have received the Nobel Prize in Economics? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : As many as 10 Indians have won the Nobel Prize so far. Abhijit Banerjee is the latest Indian to win the Nobel Prize. The Indian-American economist was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics along with Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer in Stockholm on Tuesday.

Description : Which is the only Indian to have received Nobel Prize in Economics? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Amartya Sen (b-1933): Prof. Amartya Sen is the recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics for the year 1998, becoming the first Asian to have been honoured with the award.

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Last Answer : Hargovind Khorana

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Last Answer : Malala Yousafzai & Kailash Satyarthi

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Last Answer : In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.

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Description : In which year did the Nobel Prize begin? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : The Nobel Peace Prize is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Established:1895

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Last Answer : In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden's central bank) established the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.

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Last Answer : Nobel prize award ceremonies take place each year on December 10,

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Last Answer : C.V.Raman was the second nobel price winner in india.

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Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... woman Nobel Prize winner: shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first transmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie be-came the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... woman Nobel Prize winner: shared her 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with her husband Pierre Curie.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first transmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie became the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer : (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory Explanation: General Theory of Relativity: a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907-1915; Quantum Theory of Max Planck: 1900; ... transmission on December 11, 1901; and Madame Curie becoming the first woman Nobel Prize winner.

Description : Which of the following events occurred first ? (1) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity (2) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory (3) Marconi first tranmitted a wireless signal (4) Madame Marie Curie became the first woman Nobel Prize winner

Last Answer :  Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory

Last Answer : UN Secretary General Dag Thammarsold receives posthumous Nobel.

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Description : The Nobel Prize was first awarded in -Awards

Last Answer : The first Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. The ceremony came on the fifth anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite and other high explosives. In his will, Nobel directed that the

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Description : Who was the first American to win a Nobel Prize?

Last Answer : Answer: Theodore Roosevelt.

Description : Who won the first Nobel Prize in Literature ?

Last Answer : : Renেনে FA Sully Prudhocs won the first prize in literature in 1901.

Last Answer : In Physics = Wilhelm Conrad Rন্টnt Gain Chemistry = Jacobus Henrikus Fant Huff Medicine = Emil von Henring Literature = Sully Prudhomme Peace = Henry Dunant , Frederick Pace ... 25E % 2595% 25E0% 25A6% 25BE & ved = 2ahUKEwiu3vGxn7DaAhVFLI8KHWd7BtcQFjABegQICBAB & usg = AOvVaw02RkdTqkg_uEpQA5SPFGzU