Since the area of event horizon increases as matter falls into it, do stellar black holes ultimately become supermassive black holes as time progresses? -Space

1 Answer

Answer :

The existence of this black hole was first guessed at because the Messier87 galaxy when imaged at radio frequencies shows the signature twin-jets of plasma that are squirted out at near-relativistic speeds to reach well beyond the galaxy into intergalactic space. Furthermore, studying the movement of gas clouds in the central region shows gas moving at enormous speeds both towards and away from us, and these speeds are consistent with the hypothesis that the gravitational force of a central billion-solar mass black hole drives this gas. Matter in the close vicinity of a black hole shines because it gets extremely hot, and light from “behind” the black hole also reaches us because the gravitational field of the black hole bends this light towards us. The black hole can thus be seen in silhouette against the shining surrounding matter, if one has telescopes with sharp enough vision, which the Event Horizon Telescope had.

Related questions

Description : A black hole 'belches' light and radiation whenever something falls into its event horizon. What does that mean and why does that happen? -Space

Last Answer : A black hole is an astronomical object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. A black hole's “surface,” called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos

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Last Answer : The monster black hole in galaxy cluster Abell 85 is roughly the size of our solar system, but packs the mass of 40 billion suns. The Abell 85 galaxy cluster, shown here, is home to the largest black hole known in the universe.

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Last Answer : In March 2019, astronomers reported that the mass of the Milky Way galaxy is 1.5 trillion solar masses within a radius of about 129,000 light-years, over twice as much as was determined in earlier studies, and suggesting that about 90% of the mass of the galaxy is dark matter.

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Last Answer : Recognizing their vision and leadership within the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) awards Shep Doeleman and Heino Falcke the Henry Draper Medal. ... a recent, original investigation in astronomical physics of sufficient importance and benefit to science.

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Last Answer : The new image is the stunning achievement of the event horizon project, a global collaboration of more than 200 scientists using an array of observatories scattered around the world, from Hawaii to the ... s black hole in April 2017. It then took two years for scientists to assemble the mugshot.

Description : Why does everything in our galaxy orbit the supermassive black hole at the center? -Space

Last Answer : These black holes sank to the center of gravity, the heart of their host galaxy. Since galaxies evolve by merging and colliding with one another, collisions between galaxies will result in supermassive black hole ... the key part of this story. The black holes then collide and grow in size as well.

Description : The M87 black hole is supermassive, but relatively compact for its mass. What size does it occupy? -Space

Last Answer : Such incredibly compact objects cause infinite curvature in the fabric of spacetime. Everything that falls into a black hole is sucked toward the singularity. At some distance away from the singularity ... star. Black holes grow by accreting surrounding matter and by merging with other black holes.

Description : How do scientists calculate the mass of a supermassive black hole? -Space

Last Answer : To determine the mass of NGC's black hole, Gallo and her fellow researchers employed reverberation mapping. This technique measures mass by monitoring radiation thrown off by what's called an accretion ... An accretion disk is a mass of matter collected by the gravitational pull of black holes.

Description : Can Black Holes burst if matter going into them exceeds a certain limit? -Space

Last Answer : A black hole's called its event horizon, defines the boundary where the velocity needed to escape exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit of the cosmos. But if the crushed core contains more than about three times the Sun's mass, no known force can stop its collapse to a black hole.

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Last Answer : The M87 black hole's jets blast along its axis of rotation to a distance of roughly 5,000 light years.

Description : What kind of matter are black holes made up of, Solid, Liquid, Gas or Plasma? -Space

Last Answer : An object isn't necessarily heated to a plasma when it falls into a black hole. With quasars matter spirals down towards the event horizon so both it's speed and density increases, but this ... accretion disk is present) and is not anything specifically related to the presence of an event horizon.

Description : What are the typical values of gas fraction (gas to stellar mass) in a spiral galaxy as a function of Hubble type? -Space

Last Answer : We show that the gas mass fraction of spiral galaxies is strongly correlated with luminosity and surface brightness. It is not correlated with linear size. Gas fraction varies with luminosity and ... the onset of significant star formation can be delayed for arbitrary periods in tenuous gas disks.

Description : How did the New Horizon Telescope capture the image of a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Using the Event Horizon Telescope, scientists obtained an image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, outlined by emission from hot gas swirling around it under the influence of strong gravity near its event horizon.

Description : Can dark matter be explained by the supermassive black holes found in almost every galaxy?

Last Answer : answer:also, Dark Matter has existed in the universe since early times.. and new evidence proves that so have the black holes… infact, development of galaxies occurred by accretion of cosmic dust around blackholes… and same thing has been said about the dark matter here..

Description : In what manner does E=mc2, apply to black holes? -Space

Last Answer : E=mc2 applies to black holes just as it applies to any other phenomenon - i.e., whenever matter gets converted to energy or vice versa

Description : How can there be anything left in the universe? Don't black holes suck everything in? -Space

Last Answer : black holes do not live for ever they also die and gravity of of the black hole weaks as you go away from by square of the distance. so they are not able to suck everything is because i) there are small and less number of them the universe is bigger than you can imagine.

Description : What is the spherical boundary of zero thickness in which photons that move around black holes called? -Space

Last Answer : A photon sphere or photon circle is an area or region of space where gravity is so strong that photons are forced to travel in orbits. (It is sometimes called the last photon orbit.) The radius of ... sphere, which is also the lower bound for any stable orbit, is, for a Schwarzschild black hole:

Description : What are black holes with mass satisfying the Ker-Newman inequality called? -Space

Last Answer : answer:

Description : According to scientists, how many black holes exist? -Space

Last Answer : Judging from the number of stars large enough to produce such black holes, however, scientists estimate that there are as many as ten million to a billion such black holes in the Milky Way alone.

Description : What are the three sizes of black holes known as? -Space

Last Answer : There are four types of black holes: stellar, intermediate, supermassive, and miniature

Description : What can resist a black hole's gravity? -Space

Last Answer : Black holes are the blackest things in the universe. Because of their enormous, space-bending gravity, everything that falls into them is instantly ripped apart and lost. Scientists have never seen a black hole, because nothing, not even light, can escape them.

Description : How do we spot Black Holes? -Space

Last Answer : Peppered throughout the Universe, these "stellar mass" black holes are generally 10 to 24 times as massive as the Sun. Astronomers spot them when another star draws near enough for some of the matter surrounding it to be snared by the black hole's gravity, churning out x-rays in the process.

Description : What Are The Two Main Classes of Black holes? -Space

Last Answer : Astronomers have long thought that black holes come in just two kinds, the "stellar" and the "supermassive." The type depends on the weight of the black hole, or more specifically, its mass.

Description : It is said that, in the very distant future black holes could leak and disperse. Can that happen? If it can, how? -Space

Last Answer : After 1040 years, black holes will dominate the universe. They will slowly evaporate via Hawking radiation. A black hole with a mass of around 1 M ☉ will vanish in around 2 1066 years. As the ... black hole is proportional to the cube of its mass, more massive black holes take longer to decay.

Description : Could black holes be used as an energy source? -Space

Last Answer : Theoretically, a black hole could act as a power source, but it would not be nearly strong or reliable enough. A black hole with the mass of our sun would take half a trillion times the age of the universe to radiate enough energy to power a single light bulb.

Description : What is the best evidence for the existence of black holes? Is it all really just a theory? -Space

Last Answer : Astronomers have found convincing evidence for a supermassive black hole in the center of our own Milky Way galaxy, the galaxy NGC 4258, the giant elliptical galaxy M87, and several others. Scientists ... existence of the black holes by studying the speed of the clouds of gas orbiting those regions.

Description : Why do some stars end up as black holes? -Space

Last Answer : Gravity wins out over the internal pressure of the star, because that pressure was produced by a normal, hot gas, and that gas is losing energy as the star radiates energy from the surface. The star may thus end up as a black hole.

Description : Where do super massive black holes likely exist? -Space

Last Answer : Astronomers believe that supermassive black holes lie at the center of virtually all large galaxies, even our own Milky Way. Astronomers can detect them by watching for their effects on nearby stars and gas. This chart shows the relative masses of super-dense cosmic objects.

Description : How do scientists know that black holes exist? -Space

Last Answer : NOBODY has ever seen a black hole. Yet, despite this lack of direct evidence, most scientists believe that a massive star at the end of its life can implode to form an object so dense that nothing-not even light-can escape.

Description : How do black holes form? -Space

Last Answer : Stellar black holes form when the center of a very massive star collapses in upon itself. This collapse also causes a supernova, or an exploding star, that blasts part of the star into space. Scientists think supermassive black holes formed at the same time as the galaxy they are in.

Description : What powerful force allows black holes to absorb light? -Space

Last Answer : Actually, the torrent of ultraviolet radiation is being emitted by gas that is heated as it is pulled into the black hole's powerful gravity. Black holes, by definition, are regions from which light cannot escape. Thus, any radiation observed from outside must come from outside black holes.

Description : Can black holes get smaller? -Space

Last Answer : Yes. The late physicist Stephen Hawking proposed that while black holes get bigger by eating material, they also slowly shrink because they are losing tiny amounts of energy called "Hawking radiation." Hawking ... few times the mass of the Sun, will be around for a really, really long time!

Description : Have black holes had any influence on our planet? -Space

Last Answer : Thankfully, though, we don’t need to worry. There are no black holes close enough to Earth to affect us. The closest black hole to Earth that we know of is named V616 Monocerotis. It is ... in your lifetime. V616 Monocerotis is about 3,300 light years away. That’s very, very far away.

Description : How can we learn about black holes if they trap light, and can't actually be seen? -Space

Last Answer : The immense gravity of black holes also distorts space itself, so it is possible to see the influence of an invisible gravitational pull on stars and other objects

Description : How can you differentiate between a black hole made up of antimatter from a black hole made up of matter? -Space

Last Answer : In fact, there is no difference between an antimatter black hole and a regular-matter black hole if they have the same mass, charge, and angular-momentum. ... Antimatter has positive mass just like regular matter and experiences gravity the same way.

Description : Roughly how small would you have to squish the Earth for it to become a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Using the Schwarzschild radius calculation, a black hole the size of Earth would have a radius of less than one inch, making it about as big as a ping pong ball. The Sun, on the other hand, would have a radius of just under two miles.

Description : Since a star's light takes so long to reach us, how do we know that the star is still there? -Space

Last Answer : We don't know that it is still there. For all we know, the North Star or any other star could have been ingested by a passing black hole years ago. (Although this is highly unlikely, it is ... years ago. It is entirely possible that some of the stars you see tonight do not actually exist anymore.

Description : What is the area surrounding a black hole called? -Space

Last Answer : The event horizon is the "point of no return" around the black hole. It is not a physical surface, but a sphere surrounding the black hole that marks where the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light.

Description : Describe the 4th state of matter, Plasma? -Space

Last Answer : Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, and was first described by chemist Irving Langmuir. It consists of a gas of ions - atoms which have some of their orbital electrons ... -range electromagnetic fields, making the plasma dynamics more sensitive to these fields than a neutral gas.

Description : What is dark matter? -Space

Last Answer : Dark matter is a form of matter thought to account for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe and about a quarter of its total mass-energy density or about 2.241 10−27 kg/m3. Most ... thought to be non-baryonic in nature; it may be composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles.

Description : What pulls objects into a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Black holes don't suck. Suction is caused by pulling something into a vacuum, which the massive black hole definitely is not. Instead, objects fall into them just as they fall toward anything that exerts gravity, like the Earth

Description : When our sun runs out of lifetime and collapses/explodes, will it transform into a Black Hole? -Space

Last Answer : The Sun would need to be about 20 times more massive to end its life as a black hole. Stars that are born this size or larger can explode into a supernova at the end of their lifetimes before ... a black hole, an object with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.

Description : Will an observer falling into a black hole be able to witness all future events in the universe outside the black hole? -Space

Last Answer : No, completely opposite situation to the OP's expectations. If a falling observer will transmit a powerful beam of light out of the hole, then photons will reach increasingly far future of the exterior universe.

Description : If nothing travels at the speed of light, except light, how can a black hole also pull light into itself? -Space

Last Answer : This bending of the light rays increases as the strength of the gravitational field increases. A black hole is simply a region where the effect on light is so great that light cannot escape the region.

Description : Suppose you’re in orbit around a black hole and you launch a digital clock towards it. Compared to the clock on your own ship, what would you notice about the clock falling into the black hole? -Space

Last Answer : answer:

Description : About how long will it take for our Sun to turn into a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : In about 5 billion years, the Sun will start to run out of hydrogen in its core to fuse, and it will begin to collapse.

Description : What if the Sun turned into a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : If the sun were somehow compressed enough to become a black hole it would be less than 6 km ( well under 4 miles).It would exert no more gravitational force on earth or the other planets in the solar system than it does now

Description : What would happen if you fell into a black hole? -Space

Last Answer : According to their theory, if something falls into a black hole, it can both get warped in the singularity (where space and time get wonky) and stay inside the event horizon as radiation.

Description : Does time works inside black hole? -Space

Last Answer : Near a black hole, the slowing of time is extreme. From the viewpoint of an observer outside the black hole, time stops. ... Inside the black hole, the flow of time itself draws falling objects into the ... . No force in the universe can stop this fall, any more than we can stop the flow of time.