Explain the term 'Civil War”. -History 9th

1 Answer

Answer :

A civil war, also known as an intrastate war in polemology, is a war between organized groups within the same state or country. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region or to change government policies.

Related questions

Description : Explain the term 'Civil War”. -History 9th

Last Answer : Civil war, a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state's territory. Civil wars are thus distinguished from interstate conflicts (in which states ... ' aims can shift over time from secession for a limited territory to controlling the entire state.

Description : Which Article of the Weimar Constitution gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree ? -History 9th

Last Answer : Article 48 of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919–1933) allowed the President, under certain circumstances, to take emergency measures without the prior consent of the Reichstag. This power was understood to include the promulgation of "emergency decrees (Notverordnungen)".

Description : Which Article of the Weimar Constitution gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree ? -History 9th

Last Answer : Article 48 Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution It allowed the President to declare a state of emergency in Germany in times of national danger and to rule as a dictator for short periods of time.

Description : Which Article of the Weimar Constitution gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The answer is Article 48

Description : Analyse the effects of the First World War on Russia -History 9th

Last Answer : 1. The Russian army lost severely in Austria and Germany between 1914 and 1916. hence, when they fled, they damaged crops and buildings to obstruct the enemy from being able to live off the ground. This ... of bread and flour for the people in the cities. 5. Led to riots at the bread shops.

Description : Analyse the effects of the First World War on Russia -History 9th

Last Answer : The five main effects of World War on Russia are following: 1. The Russian army lost severely in Austria and Germany between 1914 and 1916. hence, when they fled, they damaged crops and buildings to obstruct ... of bread and flour for the people in the cities. 5. Led to riots at the bread shops.

Description : How did the first world war impact Russia -History 9th

Last Answer : World War 1 led to the Russian Revolution. This is because the situation that the war created in Russia indicated that a revolution was almost inevitable. Advances made by the Central Powers and a shortage of weapons were the leading reasons why Russia had to withdraw from the war.

Description : How Germany came into the trap of 'Hyper-Inflation' situation after World War II? How were they saved? -History 9th

Last Answer : This is the answer

Description : How did USA enter into World War II? -History 9th

Last Answer : When Japan extended its support to Hitler and bombed the US base at Pearl Harbour, the US entered the Second World War. The war ended in May 1945 with Hitler's defeat and the US dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Description : What was the impact of World War I on European society? -History 9th

Last Answer : The First World War left a deep imprint on European society and polity.Soldiers came to be placed above civilians.Politicians and publicists laid great success on the need for men to be ... public sphere, while popular support grew for conservative dictatorships that had recently come into being.

Description : How do you agree with the statement, 'Treaty of Versailles laid the germs of another war and was a harsh treaty'? -History 9th

Last Answer : The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, and officially ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. The controversial War Guilt clause blamed Germany for World War I and ... The Treaty of Versailles was a major contributing factor in the outbreak of the Second World War.

Description : What was the impact of World War I on Germany's politics and society? -History 9th

Last Answer : Effect on political life Unfortunately, the infant Weimer Republic was made to pay for the sins of the old empire. The republic was financially crippled and was forced to pay war compensation. ... lives. Aggressive war propaganda and national honour held an important place in the lives of people.

Description : When did Second World War end? -History 9th

Last Answer : On May 8, 1945, World War II in Europe came to an end.

Description : When did US enter the World War II? -History 9th

Last Answer : December 7, 1941 US entered the world war II

Description : What was the immediate cause of World War II? -History 9th

Last Answer : Following were the immediate cause of the world war II 1. Germany invaded Poland in September 1939 to prevent an anti-German alliance and violate the Treaty of Versailles. 2. The Germans ... 4. The Great Depression created unstable governments and worldwide turmoil that helped lead to World War II

Description : What happened when Germany refused to pay war reparation to France? -History 9th

Last Answer : Due to the lack of reparation payments by Germany, France occupied the Ruhr in 1923 to enforce payments, causing an international crisis that resulted in the implementation of the Dawes Plan in 1924.

Description : Name the peace treaty signed after World War I. -History 9th

Last Answer : the Treaty of Versailles

Description : How was Germany defeated in World War I? -History 9th

Last Answer : By the end of the war, Germany's economy was bankrupted. Germany and its' allies lost the war with the Treaty of Versailles, by signing it on June 28, 1919. ... One August 4th 1914, ... when they invaded Belgium. Germany did not expect Britain, the great empire to join and therefore were worried.

Description : Which tribunal was set up after world war II to punish the Nazis for their crime against humanity? -History 9th

Last Answer : the International Military Tribunal (IMT)

Description : What was 'Genocidal war'? -History 9th

Last Answer : Under the shadow of the Second World War, Germany had waged a genocidal war, which resulted in the mass murder of selected groups of innocent civilians of Europe. The number ... , 70,000 Germans who were considered mentally and physically disabled, besides innumerable political opponents.

Description : What factors enabled the recast of Germany's political system after the First World War? -History 9th

Last Answer : The factors which enabled the recast of German policy after the First World War were the defeat which Imperial Germany suffered in the First World War and the abdication of the German emperor.

Description : Which treaty was signed by Germany after its defeat in the First World War? -History 9th

Last Answer : the Treaty of Versailles

Description : What was the work entrusted to the International War Tribunal set up in Nuremberg after the war? -History 9th

Last Answer : It was set up to prosecute Nazi war criminals for crimes against peace, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Description : What was the work entrusted to the International War Tribunal set up in Nuremberg after the war ? -History 9th

Last Answer : It was set up to prosecute Nazi war criminals for crimes against peace, for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Description : How did Hitler view war ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The immediate cause was Germany invading Poland on sep 1,1939, and Britain and France declaring war on Germany on sep 9,1939 .Problems arose in weimar Germany that experienced strong currents of revanchism after the treaty of Versailles that concluded its defeat in world war 1 in 1918

Description : Which countries were known as Axis Powers in World War II ? -History 9th

Last Answer : The three principal partners in the Axis alliance were Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Description : Which incident persuaded the USA to join the war ? -History 9th

Last Answer : attack on Pearl Harbor

Description : How did Hitler rebuild Germany after 1st World War? -History 9th

Last Answer : In 1924, the Dawes Plan reduced Germany's war debt and forced it to adopt a new currency. Reparations continued to be paid through a strange round robin: The U.S. lent Germany money ... reparations, and the countries that collected reparations payment used that money to pay off United States debts.

Description : Name the four countries included in the Allied Powers in World War II. -History 9th

Last Answer : 1.United States of America 2.France 3.Soviet Unions 4.Great Britain Are the countries in the allied powers.

Description : What did the term 'Evacuation' mean in Hitler's Germany? -History 9th

Last Answer : The evacuation of children in Germany during the World War II was designed to save children in Nazi Germany from the risks associated with the aerial bombing of cities, by moving them to areas thought to be less at risk.

Description : How did a directory rule in France ? Explain. -History 9th

Last Answer : The Directory was a five-member committee which governed France from 1795, when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety, until it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in the Coup of 18 Brumaire and ... the four years of the directory, the economy of France was in a constant state of crisis.

Description : Explain 5 features of Stalin’s Collectivisation Programme for peasants in Russia. -History 9th

Last Answer : i) Party forced all peasants to cultivate in collective farms. (ii) The bulk of land and implements were transferred to the ownership of collective farms. (iii) Peasants worked on the land.and the ... .e., new areas should be acquired so that more space is available for the German to settle.

Description : Explain 5 socio – economic conditions of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. -History 9th

Last Answer : 1)Huge number of Russian population were Agriculturalist.Almost 85 percent of the population in Russia relied mostly on Agriculture. 2)Industry depended mostly on raw materials from agriculture.St.Peters berg and ... arised. 5)The rule of law not prevailing in many as a direct result of corruption.

Description : Explain the economic condition of the workers before the Russian Revolution. -History 9th

Last Answer : Socio-economic condition of Russia before the Revolution of 1905: (i) About 85 percent of the Russian population earned their living from agriculture. (ii) Industry was found in pockets and ... compensation amounting to 6 billion. (iii) The Allied armies also occupied the resource-rich Rhineland.

Description : Explain the role of women in Nazi society. -History 9th

Last Answer : Role of women in Nazi society followed the rules of a largely patriarchal or male-dominated society. Hitler hailed women as "the most important citizen" in his Germany, but this was ... were allowed to form political clubs, and schooling was made compulsory for them after the French Revolution.

Description : Explain the measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany. -History 9th

Last Answer : Having acquired power. Hitler set out to dismantle the structures of democratic rule. (i) Under his rule, the Fire Decree of 28th February, 1933 was passed which indefinitely suspended civic rights ... (v) All political parties and trade unions were banned. He controlled media, army and judiciary.

Description : Explain the following terms : (i) Holo-caust, (ii) Concentration Camp, (iii) Wall Street Exchange. -History 9th

Last Answer : destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for ... the next three years the between 1929 - 1932 the national income of USA fell by half.

Description : Explain any three components of the ideology of Hitler. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler's ideology developed into Nazi ideology. He derived his ideology from Charles Darwin.Darwin had stated the survival of fittest in biological terms. But Hitler interpreted it in different way. Hitler's ... to their party leader. These were some of the ideologies of Hitler or the Führer.

Description : How did a directory rule in France ? Explain. -History 9th

Last Answer : The Directory was a five-member committee which governed France from 1795, when it replaced the Committee of Public Safety, until it was overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in the Coup of 18 Brumaire and ... the four years of the directory, the economy of France was in a constant state of crisis.

Description : Explain 5 features of Stalin’s Collectivisation Programme for peasants in Russia. -History 9th

Last Answer : i) Party forced all peasants to cultivate in collective farms. (ii) The bulk of land and implements were transferred to the ownership of collective farms. (iii) Peasants worked on the land.and the ... .e., new areas should be acquired so that more space is available for the German to settle.

Description : Explain 5 socio – economic conditions of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. -History 9th

Last Answer : 1)Huge number of Russian population were Agriculturalist.Almost 85 percent of the population in Russia relied mostly on Agriculture. 2)Industry depended mostly on raw materials from agriculture.St.Peters berg and ... arised. 5)The rule of law not prevailing in many as a direct result of corruption.

Description : Explain the economic condition of the workers before the Russian Revolution. -History 9th

Last Answer : Socio-economic condition of Russia before the Revolution of 1905: (i) About 85 percent of the Russian population earned their living from agriculture. (ii) Industry was found in pockets and ... compensation amounting to 6 billion. (iii) The Allied armies also occupied the resource-rich Rhineland.

Description : Explain the role of women in Nazi society. -History 9th

Last Answer : The ideal woman in Nazi Germany did not have a career outside her home. Instead, she took delight in - and was responsible for - being a wife, the education of her children, and keeping ... . Women had a limited right to training of any kind; such training usually revolved around domestic tasks.

Description : Explain the measures adopted by Hitler to establish dictatorship in Germany. -History 9th

Last Answer : Having acquired power. Hitler set out to dismantle the structures of democratic rule. (i) Under his rule, the Fire Decree of 28th February, 1933 was passed which indefinitely suspended civic rights ... (v) All political parties and trade unions were banned. He controlled media, army and judiciary.

Description : Explain the following terms : (i) Holo-caust, (ii) Concentration Camp, (iii) Wall Street Exchange. -History 9th

Last Answer : destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war. Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for ... the next three years the between 1929 - 1932 the national income of USA fell by half.

Description : Explain any three components of the ideology of Hitler. -History 9th

Last Answer : Hitler's ideology developed into Nazi ideology. He derived his ideology from Charles Darwin.Darwin had stated the survival of fittest in biological terms. But Hitler interpreted it in different way. Hitler's ... to their party leader. These were some of the ideologies of Hitler or the Führer.

Description : Explain the role of Jacobins in the French Revolution. -History 9th

Last Answer : The Jacobins were members of an influential political club during the French Revolution. They were radical revolutionaries who plotted the downfall of the king and the rise of the French Republic. They are often associated with a period of violence during the French Revolution called "the Terror."

Description : Explain how the new political system of Constitutional monarchy in France worked. -History 9th

Last Answer : The constitution of 1791 vested the power to make laws in the National Assembly which was indirectly elected. That is 1. Citizens voted for a group of electors who in turn chose the Assembly. Not all ... and then as a member of the Assembly a man had to belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers.

Description : Explain any five features of the Constitution drafted in 1791. -History 9th

Last Answer : The National Assembly completed the draft of the Constitution in 1791. (i) It declared France as a Constitutional monarchy. (ii) Powers of the king were separated and assigned to different institutions?the ... 3 days of a labourers wage were given the status of active citizen, i.e., voters.

Description : Explain the circumstances under which Louis XVI finally accorded recognition to the National Assembly. -History 9th

Last Answer : The infuriated Third Estate declared them a National Assembly and pledged to disperse only when Constitution for France would be drafted. This would limit the powers of the Monarch. Due to his revolting subjects ... ' rights. 4. The state was given the duty to protect each citizen's natural rights.