My gerbils seem to be up all night, playing on their wheel. They are up when I get up in the morning. They are awake when I get home from school. Do they ever sleep?

1 Answer

Answer :

Unlike many rodents, gerbils do sleep at night. They may play for a bit with the wheel in the evening, but they be awake during the day. They enjoy socializing and like to be awake when you are up and about.

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Last Answer : Fortunately, gerbils are not very smelly and their poop is small. But their cages should be cleaned at least every 2 weeks or more often if necessary. Use plain water to wipe down the cage. Throw out old ... that s/he can't escape from or a rolling ball. Make sure the area is safe and secure.

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Last Answer : No, they cannot live together. Althougth they may look similar and both are rodents, they have different needs. Gerbils are social animals while hamsters are loners. Their sleeping habits are different, ... is similar but gerbils eat less. They both can bite, but best to keep them separate.

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Last Answer : The average length of pregnancy for gerbils is 25 days. Nursing gerbils pregnancies can last as long as 42 days. Females can become pregnant at 2-3 months old and can breed all year round. Litters are usually 4-6 pups. Gerbils can have litters till age 2.

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Last Answer : Depends on the size of the cage... probably if you get a small hamster cage only two. But if you get a gigantic cage you could put more in. The petstores do NOT take good care of their animals. Some will, but most will not.

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Last Answer : Adult female gerbils should not be housed together. Be sure they are fighting and not playing. If they are fighting, please place them in separate cages. The fighting will only continue until one of them is dead.

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Description : content:

Last Answer : Commercial gerbil food is not kosher for Pesach. But don't worry, there's lots feed your pet - alfafa grass, alfafa pellets, sunflower seeds, dried corn, fresh or home cooked veggies and fruits. I would ... food gradually to your pet's diet beginning now so that his (or her) tummy won't be upset.

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