Fish live in water. Do they drink it?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, fish do drink water. They drink through osmosis - by absorbing water. Salt water fish actually drink water through their mouths in order to balance salt concentration in their bodies.Any excess salt is secreted through cells in their gills.

Related questions

Description : We filter our water before we drink it. Our fish don't just drink water, they live in it. Should we use filtered or distilled water in our tank?

Last Answer : The short answer is yes. There are different types of filters available depending on the size of your tank and the number of fish. If your fish are sensitive to tap water, try using bottled ... eliminate in the water often and having the right filter will help keep the water clean and healthy.

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Last Answer : The recommended ph for molly fish is between 7 and 8. Check the ph of your tank's water. Adding a tiny bit of salt may help if the ph is low, but go easy and recheck the water. Make sure your fish have a lot of space to swim in.

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Last Answer : It could be that your Kole Tang grazed his lip on a rock in the aquarium when swimming or searching for food. If it doesn't seem better in a day or two, check with the pet shop where you purchased him.

Description : I have a clown fish and I don't know if it's male or female. How can I tell?

Last Answer : Checking gender of fish can sometimes be difficult. But clownfish are a little easier. They are hermaphrodites, that is they change sex depending on how many males and females are in their group. ... best to research each variety to try and find what the differences are between males and females.

Description : I've heard of fish tank cycling. What is it?

Last Answer : There is bound to be a buildup of bacteria that thrive on the ammonia from waste in the tank. An excess of ammonia can be dangerous to your fish. There are strips that can test for the amount of ... there is a problem on a regular basis won't harm the good bacteria but will keep your fish healthy.

Description : I want to get a new, larger tank, so I can get more fish. I what do I need to do to make sure that my current fish survive the move?

Last Answer : There's more then two options, but these are the easiest. Either get a net and just plop it into the other tank (it's totally fine and safe). Or get a bowl and scoop the fish up that way so ... 't keep it out of the water for long, put the tanks right next to each other. Sorces: personal experience

Description : I have a fresh water tank.

Last Answer : Change the water about once a week, clean everything in the tank about once a month. :)

Description : I'm about to get an 80 gallon aquarium. How many fish can I get for it?

Last Answer : Small fish- 10 per gallon (but they have to be really really small) Med. fish- 3 per gallon Large fish- 1 fish per gallon But don't put too many in that you can't take care of them. That's a lot of fish! Good luck! :)

Description : I want to start an aquarium and Ghost Shrimp look really cool. What other fish are good to add with them?

Last Answer : A lot of fish will eat ghost shrimp if it can fit inside it's mouth, so any smallish fish will work. I like glo-fish, they are small and they also look really cool with ghost shrimp.

Description : I change 2/3rds the water in my aquarium every other week. The gravel at the bottom of the tank looks pretty nasty. How should I clean it?

Last Answer : Put it in a bowl and just run water over it, let it soak, or scrub handfulls of it, by puttting it in a towl and rubbing. :)

Description : Fish are known for forgetting everything...just how bad is a fish's memory

Last Answer : Yup, the first answer was right, it is a myth! "Fish have a 3-second-memory, and forget everything as soon as it happens." Have you ever heard that before? Well it's false! Ichthyologists or fish ... an audible signal. So, Don't make fun of your pet fish, he'll probably remember it!

Description : content:

Last Answer : The addition of different types of accessories can help keep fish entertained. Colorful gravel, stones, arches and bridges that fish can swim through or over or under can keep fish busy. Place a colorful ... can keep on adding depending on the size of your aquarium and/or redecorate when you like.

Description : My father's friend is giving me his 30 gallon tank. How many fish can I get to put into it?

Last Answer : There are a number of things to consider - kind of fish, type of tank, filtration system, tank maintenance, water volume. Measure the tank area, width and length, measure the size of the fish. The rule is usually a gallon of water to each inch of fish.

Description : We change 1/3 of the water in our fishes tank every week. How are we supposed to clean out the gravel?

Last Answer : Place the fish carefully in another container with half of the old water and the other half fresh water. Unplug any electrical equipment. Drain the tank. Separate 2 cups of dirty gravel and put aside. Place ... tank mixing the 2 cups of reserved gravel with the clean so as not to shock the fish.

Description : At the bottom of the aquarium it looks like my fish may have laid eggs. What do fish eggs look like? If they are fish eggs, what are the chances that they will become fish?

Last Answer : Fish eggs look like tiny balls. They have a chance to become fish if the other fish in the tank don't eat them. You can gently scoop them out and move them to another aquarium that you've prepared for them. That will keep them safe from the other fish.

Description : I have to go away for a week on business next month.I'm worried about my fish if I can't find someone to feed them. What can I do?

Last Answer : One solution is to purchase an automatic fish feeder. Test the feeder for a few days before you leave to make sure it works well. It should not be used on a regular basis because it can't make ... , you should ask someone to come in at least once a week to make sure everything is working properly.

Description : I heard that you should never change all the water in an aquarium at once, doing so will be tough on the how can you properly changethe water in your fishbowl?

Last Answer : That's true. You should always leave an amount of the old water in the aquarium so as not to shock the fish. Keeping a fish bowl clean is the same as keeping an aquarium clean ... the water becomes really dirty inbetween regular cleaning times, remove half and replace it with room temperature water.

Description : I know that the difference is salt ;-). What I'm really asking is about the upkeep of both aquariums and which aquarium will be better for my 16 year old son.

Last Answer : A fresh water aquarium is easier and less expensive to deal with especially for beginners. Salt water fish are more colorful but also more costly. You need to have an experienced person knowledgeable about salt water aquariums to help you change water in the tank.

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Last Answer : While your goldfish or most fish will eat bread or breadcrumbs, they do not provide the nutrients that fish need to thrive and survive. Best to forget the breadcrumbs and purchase a balanced goldfish food that contains vitamins and minerals suited to your fish.

Description : how to take care of a goldfish in a tank

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I have an aquarium outside and it's constantly filling up with algea. What can I do to keep it under control?

Last Answer : You could add 2 or 3 snails or algae-eating fish to the aquarium to help get rid of the algae. Controllingl the amount of light that reaches the aquarium will help. Clean out any leftover food ... Molly can help keep algae under control. Clean any hard surfaces as soon as you see algae forming.

Description : I have 10 guppies in my tank. Some of them are missing parts of their tails. I've heard that they sometimes bite each other. How can I get them to stop?

Last Answer : Guppies are known to nip at the fins of others. Make sure they have a large enough tank - 40 liters per 10 fish. Guppies are social fish and can be housed with Mollies, Corydoras and other peaceful ... to 3 females. The male often bullies the females, so provide plants for the females to hide in.

Description : My orange gold fish looks dirty...How can I clean it, or do fish clean clean themselves?

Last Answer : DON'T CLEAN IT!!!!!!! It will kill it! I don't know how they clean themselves but they do. But whatever you do don't clean it.

Description : It's hard for me to get to the pet store. I'd like to be able to make my own fish food. Is that a good idea? How can I make it? Do you have any recipes?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : I want to get live plants for my fresh water aquarium. Which ones are the best to add?

Last Answer : Some live plants that you can include in the aquarium are Pennywort, Java Moss, Red African or Australian Hygro, Waterfoil, Narrow Leaf Sag. Keep in mind you may need stronger lighting (no sun) and ... aquarium. If your fish stay close to the surface of the water, they are not getting enough air.

Description : We have a pond near our house that has goldfish. I have an aquarium with goldfish at my house. Can I take some of the goldfish from the pond and add them to my aquarium?

Last Answer : No, don't. They can probably live with your goldfish, but it would be harsh and mean for them. They have a large 'aquarium' and will survive better outdoors. Not that you won't take care of them, just that they would have a better life in the wild. :)

Description : I have a new tank with goldfish. Do I need to heat the tank? What's the correct temperature?

Last Answer : The ideal water temperature for goldfish is between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is a bit cooler in winter, most goldfish will tolerate the small change. Depending on the species of goldfish, those in outdoor ponds can survive icy conditions, but only for a brief period.

Description : How much does a small, medium or large lionfish cost?

Last Answer : If your question is about Lionfish, here is the answer. It depends on the place of purchase and the species of Lionfish. They can cost anywhere from $10 - $100. Lionfish have up to 18 dorsel ... . The lionfish should only be kept by someone with lots of experience and knowledge about the species.

Description : Are there any signs that tell you if your pet Mandarinfish is healthy or sick?

Last Answer : Keep the beautiful mandarin in a large tank - at least 75 gallons. Feed your mandarin its natural food if possible - copepods. Get the fish used to eating brine or frozen shrimp and add frozen ... that's an indication that something is wrong. Speak to your fish supplier about what can be done.

Description : I have a tank that has goldfish. It's starting to get cold outside. Should I get something special to heat the tank?

Last Answer : Measure the temperature in your fish tank. You can judge if it's too cool by checkin what the correct temperature is for your type of fish. There are a number of different heaters ... the water temperature regularly to make sure the heater is working properly and keeping the temperature steady.

Description : Do fish drink water?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, fish in the sea drink water. Saltwater fish lose lots of liquid to osmosis and must replace it. Freshwater fish do not, they just absorb it through gills and skin.

Description : Do fish drink water while in the aquarium?

Last Answer : If they are freshwater fish, then no. They absorb water through osmosis. Saltwater fish, on the other hand, do drink and their gills process the water and filter out the salt.

Description : Do baby fish drink milk form their mother?

Last Answer : no

Description : Why do many marine fish drink seawater, whereas freshwater fish do not drink at all?

Last Answer : Marine fish, living in a hypertonic environment, suffer from a shortage of available water. They drink seawater and extract the water from the salt solution for their metabolic needs. However, ... requires energy and involves the participation of ATP-splitting enzymes in glands within the gill.