I'm thinking about getting a beta. How long do they live?

1 Answer

Answer :

Mine all died after a couple of months, but I was five then. They usually live 2-3 years, or longer depending on how well you care for them. :)

Related questions

Description : I always see bettas on their own in pet stores. Is there any fish that they can live with or do they need to be on their own. What about other bettas?

Last Answer : In spite of their original name, "Japanese fighting fish", betas can share the acquarium with some other fish. They do fight with their own kind. Bottom feeders such as Brishtlenose Plecos, Neon Tetras ... are good choices. Just make sure your beta has at least 5 gallons of water space for himself.

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Last Answer : It could be because tropical waters - reefs, corals, rocks , sand - are more colorful and the fish need to blend in to avoid predators. It could simply be a matter of camoflage. Colder waters have lower visibility and offer more protection to prey fish.

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Last Answer : Some betta fish prefer to be alone while others are happy with company. Female bettas can be kept together, but males become aggressive. A happy fish swims around and will respond to you when you come close to the tank.

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Description : How do I tell if a beta fish is male or female?

Last Answer : answer:If it's a big-finned, flashy kinda fish that looks like this (but could be some other color, too, like red or almost purple), it's a boy. If it's a small-finned, less vivid color that looks ... lonely, in those little cups of water. You sort of have to go out of your way to buy a female.

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Last Answer : My advice don’t get anymore beta fish. They are insane and live forever. Mine would manage to jump out of the bowl even with the cover on it. I think that all beta’s just have mental issues. I wouldn’t worrry to much about it.

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Last Answer : Yes it's true. Though they don't actually fight (expect for maybe a little biting), they psych each other out till one dies. They are territorial. If a beta goes into another area they'll fight . ... the pond is gonna fishes whole territory but a little tank isn't going to be enough space for two.

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Last Answer : bout a month or less

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