If you are not registered to vote, is it because voter registration rolls are used to select people for jury duty?

1 Answer

Answer :

Na, I’m just lazy.

Related questions

Description : Do you think college students should be registered to vote in the state of their college?

Last Answer : They get to choose. Students will live at their university for four years. The college town becomes home, and they are subject to laws and policies of that town. That includes the need for ... have discussed her changing her registration to Mass. because she sees her life tied to that locale.

Description : When you first registered to vote, how did you choose which party to be affiliated with?

Last Answer : I registered at age 18 - the day after my birthday. This would have been around 1972. I registered as a Democrat. My whole family (middle-class Jews in suburbia), thought that Nixon was an asshole ... to vote for the extremist so that the democrat would have a better chance of winning. It worked.

Description : US citizens -- Have you registered to vote?

Last Answer : I registered for the first time this year so I could become a notary public. I probably still won’t vote.

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Last Answer : Are you referring to the primary election?

Description : Is the average voter stupid?

Last Answer : answer:I think most people are depressingly stupid about pretty important matters. I do think it’s getting better over time though.

Description : What's a good website for seeing voter turnout numbers?

Last Answer : Last night I was watching: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/results/president/ http://scoreboard.dailykos.com/map/ Either of those will give you county by county. Don’t know about city by city.

Description : Can you be summoned for jury duty if you're not registered to vote?

Last Answer : Yup…they always find you. One has nothing to do with the other

Description : When you go to vote, how often are you turned away because you are told you have already voted?

Last Answer : I've been fortunate, and so has everyone I've ever known. When we go to vote, we've never been turned away because someone pretended they were us and took our place. We've never had to ... regularly. What has your experience been like when this has happened? Have you ever been able to actually vote?

Description : How do I find out if I am registered as an independent, democrat, or republican?

Last Answer : Google.

Description : What would/should you do to get people to vote?

Last Answer : - Schedule it on a weekend. - Schedule it on a holiday. - Make it a nationwide mandatory holiday. - Make voting mandatory. alternatively: - become a monarchy. - become a dictatorship. - assign ... tribes, militias, warlords, and crime kingpins. Can not get any worse than what you have right now.

Description : At what age should people be allowed to vote? And why do you think so?

Last Answer : I wish it were 20. Something about being in high school and being able to vote doesn’t make me happy.

Description : Are people on this site helping to Get Out the Vote?

Last Answer : I volunteered to work for the Elections department at the polls this year.

Description : What do you think of this law in Oregon that automatically registers eligible voters to vote, unless they opt out?

Last Answer : Probably just not vote. Why not keep your options open?

Description : Should I register to vote?

Last Answer : Yes, your vote matters. Fewer young people vote so your views are under represented. (I assume you’re young if this your third opportunity). It’s free. Have you looked up the necessary steps? It varies by state

Description : The governor of Virginia is now allowing felons to vote. Should this be allowed?

Last Answer : answer:My mom is a felon. She killed my father for beating the shit out of us. When she threatened to leave him he said he would have us killed. So one night when he was pounding my sisters head ... was getting fat she shot him in the head. So technically a felon. Should she be allowed to vote?

Description : Do you vote? How do you feel about it?

Last Answer : Sure you have to give the image that it is a democracy, so once every 4 years you get to put a name of a candidate that YOU think will do the best for YOU. Then the rest of the four years they get to shove whatever they want down your throat,pretty good racket if I do say so myself.

Description : Is it racist for Texas to require an I.D. to vote in the next election and why?

Last Answer : answer:No I don't think it is racists. it is only to prove that the person voting has the right to vote in a legal election. Is it racists if I have to show I.D.when boarding an airplane ... -id Whey should illegals or dead people vote for my Representatives? So many questions, so little time ....

Description : Is it unfair to the "no" side in the independence question in Scotland to let 16 yr olds vote?

Last Answer : How in the world is it anti-democratic to let more people vote, even if they do tend to vote in a bloc?

Description : If you vote a straight party ticket, what happens in the races in which your party does not have a candidate?

Last Answer : In the primary race, No In the actual election Yes

Description : In which presidential election did you first cast your vote for someone younger than you?

Last Answer : answer:2008, when I voted for Obama. If I was 5 months older, my answer would be 1992.

Description : Are blacks obligated to vote for Obama?

Last Answer : No one can claim to speak for an enormous and amorphous mass of people. Dash is entitled to her own secret ballot.

Description : Do you vote what is best for you or what is best for the country (or state or county...)

Last Answer : answer:In the given example, I would still vote for the bond for schools: public education is a public good that affects all of us, whether we have kids or not. I like to think that I’m voting for the good of our society, but I know that people who vote the other way think that too.

Description : Would you vote for Bruce Lee?

Last Answer : answer:Nah. I take politics fairly seriously and wouldn’t vote for someone unqualified just for a giggle. Also, I love the ranked choice voting!

Description : Where you live, when you go to your polling place, does someone "announce" it when you are about to actually vote? (see details)

Last Answer : No.I have never had them do that.I might like that if they introduced me as Keith Richards.XD

Description : Do you vote early or on election day?

Last Answer : I’m registered in my home county, but live in another county where I go to school, so I always vote absentee. In fact, I have never voted in a polling place on election day. I just mailed my ballot for the November 2nd election today.

Description : Do you vote?

Last Answer : answer:I haven’t yet (just registered not too long ago), but I will in the next election and continue to do so. I choose to vote because having a voice in political appointments and decisions is part of living in this country.

Description : When allowed to vote for two do you have to vote the required number?

Last Answer : Only your association can answer this.

Description : Why do you vote?

Last Answer : I liked it. In spite of being humorous, it manages to impart a poignant message. And sadly, some of those caricatures are not all that extreme (at least in my neck of the woods).

Description : If someone votes early but dies before Election Day, does their vote count?

Last Answer : Yup. Sure does. It’s not likely to make much of a difference in the outcome, though. I would doubt if it’s a very high percentage.

Description : Do you feel comfortable wearing your vote?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I’ve got a “YES WE CAN” button on my purse right now. If you asked me, I would probably say, “Obama.” If you pressed me, I would tell you why. At length. With help from the Obama ‘08 app on my iPhone.

Description : When voting does the person on the top of the list usually get more votes?

Last Answer : All else being equal, or nearly equal, yes.

Description : Are you cautiously optimistic that the early voting turnout has been so huge?

Last Answer : I don’t get my hopes up. Too many disappointments in the past 30+ years of voting.

Description : Are paper ballots hack proof?

Last Answer : In my opinion they are just as likely to be tampered with.

Description : How is it a true Democracy when the guy with the fewer votes wins?

Last Answer : Ready set , turn your flame throwers on now!

Description : Computer Scientists/Math Geeks: Would it be possible to design an open source voting machine based on Bitcoin verification math?

Last Answer : answer:I would have applauded this as an interesting idea until I heard of yet another bitcoin theft today. Sounds to me like the whole bitcoin verification is not terribly secure. Also, SS# is not proof of citizenship.

Description : What are your thoughts about Brexit?

Last Answer : I've been wondering why no one brought this up yet considering the significance of the vote. I was listening last night to a report on the repurcussions of Britain leaving the EU, and they ... and the immediate restoration of tariffs and barriers. If this thing passes, the mess will be considerable.

Description : Why doesn't the winner of the primary ever ask the loser to become their vice-president?

Last Answer : Usually they are looking for someone that will add new supporters to their campaign. A governor that will bring in a critical state or something like that. Opponents in the primaries tend to have ... convince the electorate that their fully on board with your agenda. Still they are viable choices.

Description : What is the most important political issue?

Last Answer : answer:Climate change is the utmost crucial issue. If our planet cannot support life, literally nothing matters. I will vote for Hillary Clinton. She is the best qualified person running from any party or ... can get things done. I will unfollow this thread now since I do not wish to debate.

Description : Should voting in the US be changed from an optional right to a mandatory requirement?

Last Answer : Compulsory voting would only morally work if a “None of the Above” choice was available. Having to choose between two scoundrels is not a free choice.

Description : What is the percentage of Americans who voted in the 2012 Presidential elections?

Last Answer : answer:From the Center for the Study of the American Electorate, put 2012 voter turnout at 57.5% of all eligible voters, compared to 62.3% who voted in 2008 and 60.4% who cast ballots in 2004. In ... more of the same type of articles, @mazingerz88, look up voter turn out 2012 in a search engine.

Description : Who are you voting for?

Last Answer : Obama has disappointed me in what he's accomplished, although the Republicans have been willing to throw the nation under the wheels of the bus to do so. But Romney terrifies me. And he should scare the ... rest of the world. You think we were bad under Bush, he will make Bush look like Ghandi.

Description : Have you voted today?

Last Answer : I'm in line now. The polls open in about a half hour. I've been here 45 mins already. Thank the gods for wi-fi, as I stupidly left my sample ballot on my desk at work and had to re- ... propagandists. Vote yes on 10 unless you hate America and want orphans to be homeless . or some shit like that.

Description : Do you ever look up candidates primary state to see how they poll in their own state?

Last Answer : States do not either favor or disapprove of primary candidates. You can check to see how the party itself is leaning. However, the point of having primary elections is to hear the vox populi.

Description : Have you ever heard of voting by show of hands in a democratic country?

Last Answer : Certainly. In small groups. It is done a lot.

Description : What if there were a voting opt-out fee for US elections?

Last Answer : Awesome. What we really need is to further penalize poor people for being poor, and unable to take time off work to go vote.

Description : Team Peter Griffin or Team Homer Simpson?

Last Answer : answer:Team neither. They are both such awful role models for men or people in general. Now, if you’re asking which is funnier, I’d say Peter Griffin. At least that was the case last time I checked. But that was some time ago. :P

Description : When was the last time we had an election between two good choices?

Last Answer : Stevenson and Eisenhower?

Description : Is your state using paper voting ballots?

Last Answer : I used a paper ballot last week. In my state (NC) there are places for the disabled to vote curbside, and you can ask an election worker inside the polling place for help. Our paper ballots are ... judicial races; the worker who handed me my ballot made a point of telling me and showing both sides.

Description : What are some arguments for and against the rights of mentally ill voters.

Last Answer : answer:No, because they do not have all of their faculties with which to make a voting decision. They could be easily swayed by unscrupulous people trying to manipulate the outcome of the election.

Description : Elections USA: What happens if none of the above wins?

Last Answer : Maybe they have to hold a new election? Maybe the incumbents stick around until someone else can be found that the voters want? I don’t know. What’s the point of having NOTA? Just to raise voting rates?