Do you do something that you know is wrong on a regular bases?

1 Answer

Answer :

You mean like a drive a non-smart car, smoke, drink, eat fat, salt, sugar, stress, worry…..etc? In that case: Yes, I do!

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Last Answer : Hi. you seem to have the will but the wrong mentality. Please please get Allen Carr’s book or audio book (i will pm you a source)

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Last Answer : answer:I did about 8 years ago. It was a good book but I had horrible timing since I read it right before finals week. I made it about 24 hours before I snapped. It might have worked if I had read ... cheap and only took a few hours to read. I would certainly try it since I know people it did help.

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Last Answer : I am not addicted to anything. :)

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Last Answer : Not that I know of, but if I find out they are then I will pat them on the back and tell them that I admire them. lol

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Last Answer : Eeeeewwwwww!

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Last Answer : I think it's because addicts choose to take that first step. You did not choose to be bipolar but the heroin addict chose to put the needle in his/her arm the first time. They may not have chosen to be ... , if you keep it in check by whatever means, then, no, I don't think you are your disease.

Description : How do you know which of your behaviors are in your control and what isn't?

Last Answer : wundayatta: Don't regress. That much you may be able to control. This question has been asked and answered dozens of times (loony as that seems). . How's the weather where you are? I ... up, and the weeping willows are showing that tantalizing tinge of yellow, that means spring will eventually come.

Description : I need advice on how to help a young teenager with a coca-cola addiction. What can I do to help him give it up?

Last Answer : Stop buying it for him. I’m sure he will still find ways to occassionally get one, but at 14 it’s not like he can drive himself to the store. If it’s not in the house he can’t drink it.

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Last Answer : Talk to him.

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Last Answer : Well I think the internet was created to get information and there is so much information on it that you just never run out of things to look at. I know exactly what you mean though, I can spend hours just ... I don't get bored. But don't look at it so vegetatively, it really is a very useful tool.

Description : How do you avoid being distracted by sites like this when you need to get some work done?

Last Answer : Rap yourself over the knuckles. I keep one small window on a multi-screen system open with Fluther in it – when it is quiet I can respond. I used to keep one window open with various cryptic crosswords in it – Fluther has superseded cryptics.

Description : Why are we not addicted to feeling good?

Last Answer : You are addicted to feeling good as a human being you strive for it - it's a biological imperative, as a person you're addicted to cigarettes. The two are not mutually exclusive. Cigarettes have ... brain into thinking they feel good when you logically know better, give it some time, it will pass.

Description : How do you take your tea?

Last Answer : For black tea, with milk and sugar. Green tea with a little honey.

Description : Has anyone ever given up watching TV? ever given up having a TV?

Last Answer : Well….I haven’t had cable in a long time…. (not quite what you were asking, I know….) I don’t miss it….this way I can “cherry pick” what I do want to watch via Netflix or online.

Description : Have you ever gone through withdrawl?

Last Answer : Nicotine. I dealt with it by chewing Big Red cinnamon chewing gum. I got tired of spending that much money on something that made my throat feel bad.

Description : Have you ever taken a lengthy hiatus from ask-public, and why?

Last Answer : Only one time, because our Internet didn’t work for like a week, I was away from ask-public for like 3 days, but then I discovered Internet on my phone and it was not a good idea because I went over the bill like 60$ but that didn’t stop me

Description : What do you think is the success rate for the people who are ambushed via "interventions"?

Last Answer : I think the long term success rate is pretty low when they voluntarily seek help. I don't imagine the ambush approach adds to those odds, any. That said, I do think they can be helpful ... for no other purpose than to keep themselves from drinking or drugging themselves to death in the short run.

Description : Are the dissolvable tobacco products worse for you than actual smoking?

Last Answer : If it still has all the same ingredients I would imagine it would still cause cancer. However, if it is just nicotine, then probably not. In fact, while nicotine is a poison in large enough doses, ... and possibly stomach cancer. All that is missing is the smoke and hence the effects on the lungs.

Description : Have you quit smoking?

Last Answer : I did, but I was a social smoker not so much a pack a day kind of gal. More like a pack every month. Carrot sticks. Pens. Whistling. My cravings only lasted about three days, then it was over. After that it was a mouth thing.

Description : What are you addicted to?

Last Answer : Cake. Definitely Cake. I always say, “If ever you hear of a serial robber of bakeries (who robs the goods and not the money), it’ll be ME”!

Description : How do I recover emotionally from addiction?

Last Answer : answer:dint know if i am the right person, but heres what i would do: find something new that you love. be obsessed over something new.

Description : Does Chantix work to quit smoking?

Last Answer : answer:I have a friend that is currently using Chantix and it seems to be working pretty well. I tried patches for a while also, and they were useless. I am not looking to quit right now, but when I finally ... I think I may give Chantix a shot. Good luck with it, let us know how it works for you.