How do I clean the outside of my microwave?

1 Answer

Answer :

Terrycloth towel may help with the streaks

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Last Answer : Their website says to use Simple Green and to avoid abrasive cleaners. Rinse with a lot a water.

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Last Answer : mazingerz88 I like to clean my glasses with water and use a linen cloth. It doesn’t scratch the lenses. Cleans well.l.

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Last Answer : The cheap stuff does. So not worth it. Get proper cleaning stuff.

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Last Answer : With an organic type of window cleaner and microfibre cloths – and a lot of time because it never works very well. To answer your second question: Barely ever. Maybe once every 3–6 months or so. They don’t seem to get that dirty.

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Last Answer : Easiest: Employ a housecleaner My old Mr. Coffee had a plastic top that pulled off. I put the glass on the dishwasher upper level and the plastic top in the silverware holder. I don’t think I ever had a problem; definitely didn’t need vinegar. (I clean my Keurig with vinegar a couple times a year)

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Last Answer : Well, of course I can believe the mold that grows on them! That's why I wash them periodically. Even the cheap plastic ones can be washed. You use soap, baking soda, Lysol and throw a couple of ... and a really nice actual drape, like a window drape, on the side facing out. My daughter has that.

Description : Do you own a vacuum to clean the inside of your car out?

Last Answer : I just use my regular vacuum.

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Last Answer : answer:For me, the only times the entire house is clean at once is either when I'm having company or when I'd have the cleaning lady come. On my own, I'm usually doing a little here and there. Load ... (wipe the sink, wipe the toilet, throw in laundry). It's hard to quantify when it's like that.

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Last Answer : Put them in the dryer with a damp towel and see if that buffs the dust off. Just toss them on low heat for about 20 minutes.

Description : How do you clean your ceramic, stone or vinyl tile floors?

Last Answer : I use a Swiffer mop, but instead of the disposable thingies, I use a regular washcloth soaked in about a half-vinegar, half-water solution. If you want to get fancy you can add a few drops of essential oils for a nice smell. Then I can chuck the washcloth in the laundry.

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Last Answer : answer:My husband is a hardwood flooring installation, repair, and finishing professional with over 20 years of experience. He recommends mopping wood floors lightly with a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 3 ... a wash cloth attached to a Swiffer. Easy to rinse and reuse, then toss in the wash.

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Last Answer : answer:You might try acetone, if you’ve not already, and/or Goo Gone. Good luck!

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Last Answer : answer: dirt under my bottom kitchen cabinets that I just can't reach I use a hard bristled toothbrush duct taped to a hard wooden dowel. You can spray the bristles with cleaning fluid first - rinse, repeat ... ruler (with NO cork bottom. Slide it in, angle it, and pull up crumbs and gunk. Repeat.

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Last Answer : answer:What about the Scrubbing Bubbles? It looks like you want the grout to be clean. You can re-grout the tiles by taking a grout knife and pulling out the grout (messy and dusty job), and putting in new grout.

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Last Answer : Have you tried glass cleaner? When I got granite counter tops, the guy told me to use a glass cleaner on them.

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Last Answer : answer:All the angles and corners are too tight; I agree with you that it would be a pain cleaning those corners. As a warning, if opening the link on a mobile device, there might be a prompt to download the app, but at the bottom is an option to open the photo in your browser.

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Last Answer : answer:I do, but I also polish my furniture and wax my floors with olive oil, so my house smells like Italian salad dressing. ;-p Seriously though, I clean my kitchen counter tops with vinegar. I just ... . There's no residual odor, not even if I put my nose right on the counter and deeply inhale.

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Last Answer : Now that I read your answer @Mama_Cakes I am too embarrassed to say! I am going red, you can probably lick off your floors!

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Last Answer : Everything you want to know….and maybe a few things you don’t

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Last Answer : answer:Put it in the washing machine on the delicate cycle and spin only for two minutes. Use a mild soap like Dr. Bronner's Sal Soap. Then dry on low heat in the dryer with several tennis balls to ... . We are not talking about an antique hand-quilted quilt, are we? If so, then forget my advice.

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Last Answer : Wash them well with a non-toxic soap and then set them out in the sunshine for a day which is a natural disinfectant.

Description : Are vacuums a good tool for hard floors or what do you use to keep your hard floors clean?

Last Answer : I use a swiffer sweeper about 2 times a week. Every 3–6 months I wax.

Description : How can I take the keyboard out of my Sony Vaio laptop to clean underneath?

Last Answer : I don’t recommend doing that unless you have experience, but then again you may not have all the necessary tools to remove the parts. You can buy spray cans that do pretty good in cleaning out debris from keyboards and air vents. See here for examples of the product with reviews.

Description : What's the best way to clean gas stove burners?

Last Answer : answer:I suggest that you use hot water, a brillo pad and elbow grease. The instructions for most self-cleaning ovens tell you to remove the stainless steel racks before cleaning because they will discolor. ... 's 800 number, if you were feeling creative. Or, as a last resort, read the manual.

Description : How do I clean a barbecue grill?

Last Answer : Vinegar works well too!

Description : What really is the fastest/easiest way to clean a bathtub?

Last Answer : I use my angle grinder with a buffing pad on it and Ajax scouring powder. However I was just told baking powder would do as good a job and is greener but I have no personal experience on that.

Description : How do you clean an oil painting?

Last Answer : I“ve only heard of it being done professionally but I would use a damp cloth . A very soft , barely damp cloth.

Description : If you had limited time to clean a dirty and cluttered house, what would you recommend cleaning or doing to prepare for company?

Last Answer : answer:Concentrate on the rooms the visitor will be in: the living room, dining room, bathroom. Close the bedroom doors. I would say pick up the debris.

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Last Answer : Did like the piercing artist not talk about treatment for your freshly being pierced lip? That strikes me as odd, as like a certified piercer would surely do exactly that, I assume. Anyway, since ... it is wise like going back to the shop and buy a small bottle of desinfectant/sterilizing liquid.

Description : How do I clean my slate tiled floor cheaply?

Last Answer : I’m guessing the oil just stained the slate in a uniform way, so the tiles all looked alike. I saw a similar question over the weekend regarding bluestone stairs versus granite. Both will pick up stains, but the granite masks them better because it has patterns in it.

Description : I have wool blanket that is dry clean only - but it's shedding like crazy! What are my options?

Last Answer : Dry clean it. Washing it will shrink i really badly.

Description : Is it worse to be clean and messy or dirty and tidy?

Last Answer : I would rather be (and often am) clean but messy.

Description : Easy ways to clean a roasting rack?

Last Answer : answer:If you can find a pot big enough to immerse all of it or part of it, fill that pot with water, and dump in a teaspoon or more of automatic dishwasher detergent. bring the pot to a simmer ... an SOS pad, and then if necessary, repeat. I've also had similar results with wash off paint remover.

Description : How to clean the inside of an oven without household cleaners, especially oven cleaners?

Last Answer : Most newer ovens have a “High Temperature” setting for cleaning. No chemicals should be used on a this type of oven, EVER!

Description : Do you know of any tips that professional cleaning people use to clean a house efficiently and thoroughly?

Last Answer : They carry an array of cleaning products with them (in a bucket or on a cart) as they move from room to room.

Description : Do clothes get as clean on the gentle wash cycle as they do on permanent press or regular?

Last Answer : answer:I am very far from being a clothes washing expert, but I can tell you the procedure my wife has used for the past 20 years. She uses the gentle cycle and we are still healthy and ... electric bill because of it. Detergents and water will kill the germs and the wife only uses Tide products.

Description : How do I clean this old clarinet (See details)?

Last Answer : answer:You could show it to someone who works with musical instruments and hear his opinion. Or ask your band leader .. he/she might know something.

Description : To all violinists out there, can you clean your strings?

Last Answer : Yes, you can. Here is how.