The better Choice?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I don’t know who is better. August 29, 2008, 3:12 PM EDT

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Last Answer : or if you’re torrent savvy you can easily get just the audio here .

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Last Answer : yes

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Last Answer : I see beer in my future. And I know of a “new president” party a few blocks away. So beer and dancing.

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Last Answer : Hopefully the pair of underpants I’m wearing.

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Last Answer : I think the choices he has made so far have been beyond intelligent. He has an incredibly daunting task ahead of him, and the people he is choosing to surround himself with are intelligent, experienced, ... find something to complain about. Give the guy a chance. He isn't even the president yet.

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Last Answer : And here it is!

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Last Answer : We’d like to. We haven’t yet, but we’ve made a lot of progress. And we will. Edit to add: And this election shows that we’re willing to and we want to.

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Last Answer : I have been listening to a lot of analysis of what is to be expected of both candidates. One thing I WONT expect no mater what is a balanced budget. Not right now. Not with what is going on.

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Last Answer : I would pretty much ignore it until the authorities all agreed that it was true.

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Last Answer : As a person yes- I like him. Regarding his job it is too soon to tell. I am open minded. I wont judge him 6 weeks into office. But I will say that I think he was handed a stinking pile. If he can turn us around he will have my utmost respect.

Description : What is the definition of "working families"?

Last Answer : I thought he said if you don’t make more than $250,000 you won’t be taxed more.

Description : How do you feel about the Obama selection for Supreme court?

Last Answer : IIRC, she only said, that because she is part of a minority that was subject to discrimination and racial preference by the majority, she can make better decisions than members of the majority. Whether ... thing, but she didn't say she will exhibit any preference for one group over another (iirc).

Description : Has anybody seen a clip showing Mr. Obama and Mr. Chavez in conversation (details below)?

Last Answer : Skip ahead of the super-weird intro and to 2:12. It’s the Fox News feed with Papa Bear.