Who is your favorite Shakespearian character?

1 Answer

Answer :

Mercutio was such a jokester. Even in death he was cracking jokes.

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Last Answer : answer:This one? http://tintedglasses.wordpress.com/2008/05/30/swivel-chair-monologue/ Edit: This is not as good, but it might help a bit. http://monologues.co.uk/cgi-bin/teemz/teemz.cgi?board=_master&action=opentopic&topic=44&forum=FORGOTTEN_VERSE

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Last Answer : tell me what that is and i will answer

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Last Answer : Homework?

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Last Answer : “Methinks thou do protest too much”?

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Last Answer : Museum, bowling….mini golf…dont’ know what all there is to do in Alberta…

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Last Answer : MAD LIBS!!!