Where is a good place to buy shoelaces?

1 Answer

Answer :

walmart, payless, target and store really unless your looking for something specific with designs, patterns or fat laces then I would still try the places listed. Footlocker, Foot Action all the major mall chains.

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Last Answer : It seems that the latest trend is for each store to have exclusive styles, so You can’t get them all in one place. Your best bet is to “window-shop” online to find a style you like and see where it is available locally. If you know what size you are, you could just order it off the web.

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Last Answer : Try Zappos.com

Description : Can you recommend any shoes that are specifically designed for long periods of standing still?

Last Answer : Merrell, they make running and hiking shoes/boots but also make walking/casual shoes. Known for good traction and comfort.

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Last Answer : Get a pair of low quarter rubber booties.

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Last Answer : Somewhat yes.

Description : Have you bought shoes from Amazon?

Last Answer : Nope, I’ve never purchased clothing on Amazon, just books and the occasional electronic.

Description : What are good brands of shoes?

Last Answer : New Balance running shoes are good for tall men. Cost about $120

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Last Answer : answer:Because it would be bloody stupid Your next question must be, “but why is it stupid?” Comfort Power Performance enhancing Injury prevention

Description : Can someone explain the shoe size mystery to me?

Last Answer : answer:Because the sizes aren't an inch apart. European (metric) sizes are finer increments but don't correlate to direct length either. Women's sizes are smaller because women's feet are generally ... large. The sizing is done to have the most product available to the largest number of customers.

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Description : Can't keep them, can't throw them away: old shoes--?

Last Answer : answer:I would give them to a charity or shelter. You don’t know what women are looking for there; maybe they want heels to feel good or to wear to an interview. Now – my dilemma; what to do with worn out sheets?

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Last Answer : answer:Ecco brand shoes for work. An retired pair of New Balance running shoes off work and on weekends. Teva flip flops from April to November.

Description : What new shoes should I consider?

Last Answer : answer:Would you want a sandal or a slide on? Or, you want a shoe that covers your toes and has a back? I like Merrel and Clark's for support and comfort for slide on shoes. Do you not want Sperry ... When the top of your foot is completely covered it's usually harder to get in and out of the shoe.

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Last Answer : answer:No, why do you ask? Edit: Because I’m a city boy.

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Last Answer : Um…soak them in vegetable oil?

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Last Answer : I always figured it was a liability concern in case you stepped on something sharp or stubbed your toe or something. Plus, your shoes don’t pass around athletes foot and plantar warts to other shoes.

Description : How can I keep my shoes from eating my socks?

Last Answer : answer:There’s always the tried-and-true pom pom. http://www.discountgolfworld.com/nike-dri-fit-pom-pom-women-s-golf-socks-p4173

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Last Answer : Here

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Last Answer : I’ve worn Born men’s shoes. They were comfortable and supporting, just not terribly stylish. But then most men’s shoes aren’t anyway.

Description : How do I stop my Dr Martens from cracking?

Last Answer : I’ve heard about trying vasoline, but this is second-hand information.

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Last Answer : I’m a sandal; I’m open, comfortable and would love to cosset your feet so you can get where you want to go.

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Last Answer : Probably grip/airflow for the soles of your feet.

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Last Answer : Since my knee surgery, I wear shoes without laces.

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Last Answer : I think it might be mink oil, don’t quote me on that though.

Description : Can a shoe repair shop fix these issues?

Last Answer : I completely understand your reluctance to give up on a pair of shoes you really like. A good shop should be able to make most if not all these repairs but be prepared, it’ll be expensive.

Description : Bleaching white converse shoes?

Last Answer : answer:Check that shoes are fabric and not leather. FIll sink with hot soapy water. Add ¼ cup bleach. Slosh and stir around. Rinse. Put outside in sun. (Why do you want bleached shoes?)

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Last Answer : inb4 pro-gun Jellies comment on the banning of Stilettos.

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Last Answer : Black.

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Last Answer : The issue is not dirt. The issue is presentation. Some restaurants simply do not want to attract the barefoot crowd. And if I was eating in such a restaurant, I would not want to see bare ... tossed a ketchup bottle or something. Having said that, I go barefoot in the summer whenever practical.

Description : Where do I find these shoes?

Last Answer : Your link, to the image, doesn’t work, it’s not complete. Can you post it again so we can see what shoes you are looking for?

Description : How would you solve this different shoe size problem?

Last Answer : answer:There are some places online where you can get single shoes, either through swapping with other people who have the same problem, only on the opposite foot, or by getting mis-matched shoes. Here's ... call around to a handful of your local shoestores to see if any of them offer that service.

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Last Answer : Hide Care might be an option. If all else fails, why not just wear a shirt with sleeves under the braces?

Description : Suggestions on nice leather boots?

Last Answer : Will you expand on what you are looking for? When would you wear them? Indoors or out? At school or work? Would you prefer something with a heel? A good tread?

Description : Are these leather boot issues fix-able by a cobbler?

Last Answer : That’s a real stretch to get them to fit properly. Send them back.

Description : I want to make a pair of wedge sandals...easier said than done?

Last Answer : answer:Possible. Go for it. Leather edges may be stitched when they would rub against the skin, when the leather shows a distinctive grain and may tear on the grain or when the finish just looks ... You do have to stitch to keep the buckle in place, so stitching everywhere ties the design together.

Description : Would you participate in a riot over a pair of shoes?

Last Answer : Hell no. I saw there was a scuffle over a $2.00 waffle iron in a store on Black Friday, too. I honestly don’t understand this stuff at all.

Description : What brand of shoe does a matador typically wear?

Last Answer : Penny loafers

Description : Will you help me choose shoes for my Halloween costume?

Last Answer : Sneakers! High heels are ridiculous.

Description : What's the fitting process for Vibram Five Fingers shoes?

Last Answer : My stepson says “No socks.” They’re in European sizes, so the best thing to do is try a pair on in person for fit and then buy them online. For reference, a 43 is about equivalent to a mens’ 10½ US size.

Description : What are the best dress shoes for your feet?

Last Answer : answer:I personally like men’s dress shoes by Steve Madden. They’re stylish, comfortable, and quite affordable. Not too heavy, and certainly not flimsy. My favorites are “Bigg” and “Bannir Dress Boot”. http://www.shopstyle.com/browse/mens-dress-shoes/Steve-Madden#94_0

Description : What is the secret to wearing high heels?

Last Answer : You need to get the right size and just practice walking in them.:)

Description : Are you going without shoes today?

Last Answer : No, I have to wear shoes at work :(

Description : What's the best way to keep your shoes smelling fresh?

Last Answer : Don’t wear the same pair of shoes every day. They need to air for a couple of days before you wear them again. Have a couple of pairs of shoes and rotate them.

Description : What is the best brand of tennis shoes?

Last Answer : I have a pair of K-Swiss that I love. They have just the right amount of support and give in the right places. I can’t address the shin splints as I have never suffered with that.