Recent questions tagged beverages

Description : Why do carbonated beverage companies fill their containers so high?

Last Answer : To entice the masses to buy their product. I've seen mothers telling their kids to get the one with the most in the bottle so they'll have more to drink when they get home & it will be less than ... with pop spraying over my floor so maybe you just need to STOP shaking it before you open it!!! LOL

Description : Why do people drink hot beverages from cups or mugs, but cold beverages through straws?

Last Answer : Try it, then you will know.

Description : How often do you spill coffee or something on yourself, your laptop, your keyboard or a friend?

Last Answer : answer:Back in my drinking days, I spilled water on the man next to me in an airplane once. I was much to careful with alcoholic beverages to ever spill them. They were precious. ;-) These ... do occasionally spill things on myself like coffee or tea or battery acid. You know, the usual things.

Description : Coke or pepsi?

Last Answer : answer:Of the two, so Pepsi, so much. Diet. The tingly action on the throat is awesome. Nowadays, though, I drink Diet Rite cola, which uses Splenda rather than aspartame and has no caffeine and no sodium. It is sort of reminiscent of old-fashioned fountain sodas.

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