Recent questions tagged fahrenheit

Description : Why do farenheit and celcius meet at 40 degrees above and below?

Last Answer : Celcius to Farenheit: multiply by 9/5, add 32 (100°C x 9 = 900. 900 / 5 = 180. 180 + 32 = 212°F) Farenheight to Celcius: subtract 32, multiply by 5/9 (212°F - 32 = 180. 180 / 9 = 20. 20 5 = 100/°F). ... 5 = -72. -72 + 32 = -40°F (They don't meet at 40° above zero. 40°F is 4 4/9°C. 40°C is 104°F)

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