Recent questions tagged false advertising

Description : Why do some people refer to chicken stew with a top crust as "chicken pot pie"?

Last Answer : I have never heard of that foul plot before! I shall alert the Justice League immediately!

Description : Why is NorthCape International outdoor furniture not good for outdoor use?

Last Answer : Well a facebook page wouldn’t do shit but yeah I’d return them, that’s just stupid.

Description : Do your Compact Fluorescent bulbs (the curly ones) last 9000 hours?

Last Answer : I use them, but my house is old and the wiring, although safe (been checked by experts) is a bit funky. My curly bulbs last waaaaaaay longer than the incandescent ones, but not nearly as long as they probably ... I would log it, like you do, but I think I would be laughed at if they saw my house.

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