Recent questions tagged hitler

Description : How real was the threat of invasion of the continental US - particularly the East Coast - in the 1942-43 time frame?

Last Answer : The English Channel was too much of an obstacle to invade Britain; Germany never had the surface naval power to mount a credible invasion of the USA. Which is not to say that it could not have been ... Hitler taken the oil, then there's no telling how the rest of the war might have played out.

Description : If you could go back in time and kill Hitler and save millions of lives, but knew that in doing so you, and everyone you know, would never be born, would you do it anyway?

Last Answer : answer:I love how people think they could just walk up to the guy and kill him, lol. You would just end up in Valkyrie with Tom Cruise. We wouldn’t even know the people we know now, anyway. We would just know different people the same way.

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