Recent questions tagged hpv

Description : If you have a girl, will you vaccinate her against cancer?

Last Answer : Yes of course. I have no reservations for important, tested vaccines with a good safety profile. I believe I have read that it benefits men also. vaccines are a risk/reward calculation, if there is little to no ... go into a machine and back in my body .no thanks, I'll give it the old fashined way.

Description : My partner and I are both infected with HPV. Are we going to live normal lives? Should we be bothered?

Last Answer : answer:OMG!!!!!! But seriously… HPV is about as common as the virus that causes cold sores in your mouth. Your question is kind of like asking if you should stop kissing because you and your partner get a mouth ulcer from time to time. Don’t be silly, enjoy your life together…

Description : What exactly is hpv and does it really mean you'll eventually get cancer?

Last Answer : The human papiloma virus typically does not cause any problems that are noticed immeditately. It was only recently that it was noted to play any kind of role. It has now been linked to greater liklihood of ... get cervical cancer . they don't think so. But it certainly does put you at higher risk.

Description : Why don't they test men for the cancer causing strains of HPV, like they do women?

Last Answer : i think I read somewhere that they can not test men for it.

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