Recent questions tagged mcdonalds

Description : What are the varieties of McDonalds supervisor positions?

Last Answer : You know, I have worked at McDs, and I don’t remember. It might vary with the location, due to some locations having a very busy flow, and so larger crews.

Description : Is this 8 yr. old exceptionally tall to reach the brakes of the car right?

Last Answer : Is this a random question or do you have a story that goes with this question?

Description : How much do you think the price of a sandwich at McD will rise when the minumum wage goes to $15 per hour?

Last Answer : answer:I am happy to say I have not eaten at a McDonald’s in years. The last time I ate there, I thought the hamburgers were made of dross. As for your engineering, how many burgers could you cook on a lava flow?

Description : Anyone else looking forward to the film "The Founder" starring Michael Keaton?

Last Answer : I haven’t seen them all, but of the ones I have seen, I have not seen a bad Michael Keaton movie. So I suspect it will be pretty good.

Description : What's the latest info on the "pink slime" in beef controversy?

Last Answer : Don’t have a link but I read an article saying that a good number of the factories that are producing it have closed and that the FDA is considering banning it from school lunch meats.

Description : Do you think that giving "it" your all, no matter what "it" is, will pay off in the long run?

Last Answer : Depends on what “it” is.

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