Recent questions tagged pain management

Description : How long does it take for a medication to leave your system?

Last Answer : 1. Call your doctor right away. 2. This question found one answer that the half-life is 4 hours, but it can remain in your system up to 72 hours.

Description : Does anyone have any tips for living with ideopathic peripheral neuropathy?

Last Answer : I don't have ideopathic but I do have what is referred to as aggressive medically acquired diabetes, with both peripheral and autonomic neuropathy. I get nerve blocks when it is bad - but ... the new ones (in trial currently) use soluble fats to delay the release and eliminate peripheral damage.

Description : What does it mean if I get a head ache everytime I lie down?

Last Answer : Could you have a sinus problem? When I have a sinus headache or infection, the pain worsens when I bend over or lie down.

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