Recent questions tagged rabbits

Description : What percentage of the audience that saw "Zootopia" do you think, are open/closeted furries? Give your best estimate.

Last Answer : Check the video game version and I am sure it will come up with the correct number.

Description : HELP! My rabbit is now refusing to nurse her 2 day old kits. She has been caring for them til now. What to do?

Last Answer : Sent this to a vet in our collective.

Description : Why do rabbits love apples so much?

Last Answer : We have sheep in the field next to us and they love the apples that we chuck over the fence for them. Both would have access to apples that have fallen from the tree naturally

Description : What phrase or saying have you heard all of your life, and are amazed to find a whole generation that doesn't know what it means?

Last Answer : I’ve never even heard of the song, if that tells you anything.

Description : Why and how would rabbits do this to two people in one week?

Last Answer : Ah, those wascawwy wabbits!

Description : What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

Last Answer : answer:One difference is that rabbits are born helpless, naked and blind. Hares are born fully furred with open eyes.

Description : Why does all rabbit food contain animal products?

Last Answer : Is he a killer bunny rabbit? With huge fangs? Would he nibble your bum if he got the chance?

Description : What kind of person would make the book the book of bunny suicides?

Last Answer : Maybe the person is a Leporiphobiac. (Fear of rabbits) And they’re definitely not members of P.E.T.A.

Description : My pet rabbit is really timid and doesn't seem to do much. I'd like to get her out of her shell. How can I play with her? What kinds of toys should I get? I give her toilet paper rolls, which she enjoys chewing on, but that's about it. What can I do to make her life more fun?

Last Answer : Your pet shop has a variety of toys for rabbits. They enjoy things they can chew on so paper rolls are a good choice. Get down on the floor with her. It's less intimidating if you are ... attention by tossing them gently. Eventually curiosity will take over and your rabbit will join you in the game.

Description : I have a rabbit that love to chew. I give it tons of stuff to chew, but she's started chewing her cage. Is there a way to get her to stop?

Last Answer : Rabbits naturally chew everything in sight. Don't offer too many toys at once. Keep some in reserve and change toys regularly. Try setting aside a small, enclosed area without the cage for your rabbit to ... no" and offer her a toy. When she accepts the toy and stops chewing the cage, praise her.

Description : I love spoiling my bunny. How often can I give her treats without her getting too fat or getting ill?

Last Answer : Rabbits have easily upset stomachs, so wait to give treats until a year old. When you give your rabbit a treat, try natural sweets such a piece of banana, carrot or broccoli. Never give your ... , colors or preservatives.. Fruits, leaves, fresh and dried veggies, all should be free of insecticides.

Description : I have a rabbit and was wondering if they can swim. If yes, so they enjoy it?

Last Answer : Yes, rabbits can swim and they are pretty good at it. Swimming is good exercise for your rabbit. But never leave him/her unattended. In summer you can use a kiddy pool where your rabbit can cool off. In the wild rabbits will use the waterways to escape predators.

Description : I know that there are DNA tests for dogs. Are there any for rabbits?

Last Answer : I haven't heard of DNA testing for rabbits. But it's helpful to match pictures of other rabbits with yours. Make a list of the rabbit's physical appearance such as size, type of ears, body ... where you purchased your bunny may be able to identify the breed. You can ask your veterinarian as well.

Description : It's getting really hot. I was thinking about giving my rabbit a bowl of ice to help cool him down. Is it dangerous for him?

Last Answer : He'll probably start knawing on it, it can break or chip his teeth. I would cut up some veggies, freeze them, run it under warm water (just to soften it up a bit) and then feed it to them. Or you could mist him down with cold water. :) Hope it helps!

Description : I know that you are suppose to spay and neuter dogs and cats. Should you neuter rabbits too?

Last Answer : Probably, because they reproduce very very fast! But if you only have one rabbit then I think your fine with saving your money. :)

Description : I've seen a lot of stuff written up about the best type of litter to use for cats, but nothing about rabbits. What's the best type for rabbits?

Last Answer : Since rabbits will nibble on their litter and dusty litters can be inhaled, it's important to choose a litter that is non-toxic. Aspen pellet or shavings offer good odor control and are highly absorbent ... well also. Don't use clay cat litter or clumping litter as they pose dangers for rabbits.

Description : I ordered some stuff from Amazon. My rabbit seems to be having a great time playing and chewing the box. Is it OK that I let him play with it? Should I be worried about the printing ink?

Last Answer : A plain cardboard box is okay. Ink can be toxic and cause liver and kidney problems. It may be best to choose something else for your rabbit to chew on such as untreated wood. The wood can be purchased at a pet shop and also is good exercise and helps to keep teeth at a good length.

Description : What are the biggest and smallest rabbit breeds?

Last Answer : The largest breed of rabbit is the Flemish Giant weighing in at 15-18 lbs. for adults. A gentle giant, they make great pets with their calm temperament. The Holland Lop is the smallest breed of rabbit. ... no less than 2 lbs. and no more than 4 lbs. They are active and playful and love attention.

Description : I have one rabbit. How important is it that I have him neutered? I don't want to put him through any unnecessary surgery.

Last Answer : Rabbits reach sexual maturity between 3-8 months old. If you don't spay/neuter your rabbit there are personality changes that can take place. Your rabbit may spray you, be very clingy, ... an unnecessary surgery and is definitely recommended, particularly if you have both male and female bunnies.

Description : I found an abandoned wild bunny baby in my yard. The mom doesn't seem to be around any more. I brought our some carrots and lettus for it to nibble on. Is there anything else I should do with it? Should I take it inside my house?

Last Answer : Are you sure the mother isn't around? Mama rabbits nurse their babies at night, so if the bunny looks well-fed, it may not need your help. If it is abandoned, you might want to call a reliable ... outdoors for it. Just be careful that no predators (such as dogs and cats) can get into your yard.

Description : Our pet bunny recently had a litter of babies. This is her first litter. She seems really uninterested in her babies. How can we get her to take care of them?

Last Answer : Mama rabbits usually don't have much of a maternal instinct. They don't spend a lot of time with their babies, but they do feed them. If you don't feel she's feeding them, keep her ... daily. Please check the article "Mama Rabbits and Offspring" for information on what to feed, amounts and care.

Description : I was thinking of getting a pet for my son. I want something quiet. I heard that rabbits don't make any sounds. Is that true?

Last Answer : Rabbits do make sounds, but they are usually so soft that we can barely hear them. However, when a rabbit screams, it means it's terrified or in terrible pain and needs your immediate attention. When ... . If they honk or grunt they are very happy. They do snore and sleep with their eyes open.

Description : We have a rabbit hutch in our backyard and two really cute bunnies. Winter is almost here and I was wondering if we can keep the bunnies outside or do we need to make arrangements to keep them inside? If they can stay outside, what can we do to make sure that they get the shelter that they need?

Last Answer : Rabbit hutches need to be well protected from rain, snow, wind. In winter, extra hay should be provided. Bunnies should have a house in the hutch for protection against the elements. The top of the ... the weather is not fit for humans to be outdoors, it's definitely not right for the bunnies.

Description : We've had our guinea pigs since they were babies. They're full grown and seem to be pretty plump. What is the ideal weight for a guinea pig?

Last Answer : Adult guinea pigs weigh between 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 lbs. If your guinea pig is overweight, cut down about 10% of his food until he reaches the proper weight. In addition, you can try to exercise him more.

Description : We leave our rabbit alone for hours while we are at work and the kids are at school. What kinds of toys are the best toys to keep our rabbit stimulated and happy?

Last Answer : You can use cardboard boxes , paper rolls, shredded paper, hard plastic toys, old towels, bird chews and mobiles made from untreated wood. There is a great jungle gym at Toy R Us ... important tools to keep your rabbit active, decrease destructive behavior and make life interesting for him/her..

Description : We recently got a rabbit as a pet. My kids pick her up all the time and pet her. What's the best way to do that?

Last Answer : Place one hand between the front paws and grasp them while having her bottom resting in the palm of your other hand. Hold her close to your chest (don't squeeze). This will give her a feelling of security and keep her safe. Never pick up a rabbit by its ears.

Description : We take our rabbit outside and let him romp around in a safe place. When ever he goes out, he loves to eat the fresh grass. Should I be concerned or should I just let him eat away?

Last Answer : It depends. If the grass is treated with insecticides, growth mixtures, fertilizzers, definitely not okay to let your rabbit eat there. These products are toxic to rabbits. If you're sure the grass is untreated and in its natural state, it's not a problem.

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