Recent questions tagged school shootings

Description : Do you think, in most cases, the root cause of the personality of school shooters is caused by faulty upbringing and NOT bullying?

Last Answer : When was the last school shooting in Germany? I will answer that. 2009. They have the same movies and video games. You are looking for a answer that is anything but easy access to guns. Getting a fucking gun ... . And yes.. I bought a shotgun at a pawn shop in ten minutes. They really don't care.

Description : How well would a "school shooting chocolate calendar" sell?

Last Answer : answer:I think that the best marketing technique would be to buy the mailing list of the NRA, and then send out flyers to each person on that list. Some people would by dying for a gift like this.

Description : Have there always been school shootings or are they a sign of a sick society?

Last Answer : Yes. After the 50s, everything bad started happening. Many people don’t know this, but there was actually complete peace and prosperity all over the world before 1950, I’m so serious.

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