Recent questions tagged stroke

Description : How did this happen to my friend?

Last Answer : My husband has epilepsy, and seizures without help can be violent on a body. She's lucky she didn't die. When the body drops and convulses, you could drop on a knife, in water, break glass or like ... into a pile of really hard treated lumber and looked like he'd went a few rounds with Mike Tyson.

Description : How does having a stroke feel ?

Last Answer : This old fella once told me it felt like Sammy Davis Jr had invaded his body singing ”It’s gotta be me” leave this soul Sammy, the power of christ compels you!!

Description : Are radically changed eating habits a sign of some kind of nervous or health disorder?

Last Answer : That certainly sounds strange I've never seen someone's eating habits change drastically like that. I have no experience with people who have had strokes, so I can't speak to that. But my first thought on ... maybe, he is embarrassed of this fact, and that's why he eats so quickly. Just a thought.

Description : What would you do if your SO did this then minimized the danger?

Last Answer : answer:No way I would get in the car and let my SO drive after what just happened. Do you believe he reported the incident to his doctor and if he really did, do you think he reported it as you ... of this in order not to scare your son but it comes down to not being safe and not being fair.

Description : Do you know anyone who has suffered from Bell's Palsy?

Last Answer : My stepdad had this in the 80s, it took about 2 years to fully recover, but he was in his mid 50s when it happened. Other than the facial muscle issues, he really didn't exhibit any other ... therapies he did when he regained use of the muscles, but honestly it's been years since this happened.

Description : Is it possible for your cholesterol/triglycerides to get as high as 2525?

Last Answer : At work, one guy tested 750, and they wanted to put him in the ambulence right then. He lived another 15 years before the heart attack got him. A good way to quickly bring down your cholesterol is drinking LOTS of pomegranate juice. You should really see a doctor if it’s that high.

Description : How to Treat Heat Stroke

Last Answer : How to Treat Heat Stroke For people who love going out in the sun, summer is the best season to play outdoors. With the many activities to do, most of us forget to take precautions when ... . Heat stroke is very common during the summer. Dress comfortably and keep yourself hydrated when going out.

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