Recent questions tagged tennis

Description : Will my head be okay?

Last Answer : Is it swollen? Is there bruising?

Description : How do I heal this?

Last Answer : Put ice on it and take an anti inflamatory like Ibuprphen…if you are still hurting in 2 days…rub some dirt on it

Description : How do you get over the fear of tryouts?

Last Answer : Tryouts are in may ways analogous to an interview for a position. You are asked to demonstrate your skills, and there is always the fear that you might mess it up. The best thing you can do is to go into ... are well rested and prepared to do your best, no one should be able to ask any more of you.

Description : Can someone explain tennis to me?

Last Answer : answer:Remember the old video game Pong? Pretty much the same principle. You want to hit it between the lines on the other guy’s side, in such a way that he can’t hit it back to you. If it goes on the line, it’s considered “in” but outside the line is “out”. Tennis scoring is what is so wacky.

Description : Are there dating websites for skiers or tennis players in New Jersey?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. One for tennis players. One for skiing enthusiasts.

Description : How can i learn how to play tennis?

Last Answer : answer:Do you have any friends who know how to play? Because the easiest way to learn is practice. You're going to need a racket, balls and access to a court (obviously.) My best friend took a course at ... her ability in a short amount of time. Learn by doing. If you want to play tennis, go play :)

Description : Who is the former tennis pro/actor on the far right (headband)?

Last Answer : The Baumer?

Description : What's a good method for eliminating stinkfoot?

Last Answer : Bromodrosis is a classic symptom of not getting laid. So you are kinda stuck if you are aren't getting any you can't cure the problem. Time for some outdoor or barnyard nookie to help cure the problem ... go with cotton. You may have to burn all the old shoes too. Start fresh and start getting some.

Description : Discussion: Why hasn't Rev.s Jackson or Sharpton come to Serena Williams aide?

Last Answer : Because she doesn’t need any “aide” [sic]? What are you getting at?

Description : Tennis game scores...15...30...40. Why these numbers? Do they have any significance?

Last Answer : answer:As simple as this scoring appears, the running score of each game is described in a manner peculiar to tennis: scores of zero to three points are described as love (or zero ), ... means that the server has won two points and the receiver none.

Description : How does one get ranked/seeded within the USTA as a 20-something?

Last Answer : answer:This is a tough row to hoe. You are too young for Adult division play and rankings (30), and too old for most paths to the pros. The place to start would seem to be USTA membership. Then find a coach with professional experience to evaluate you and guide your course.

Description : What's the secret to returning a slice forehand or backhand when you want to return with a topspin shot?

Last Answer : answer:Respectfully, to you and your question, the only “backhand” with which I am even remotely familiar, were the ones I got from my old man, whenever I “disagreed” with him. September 3, 2008, 5:31 PM EDT

Description : 50 Great Things you Never Knew you Could do with Tennis Balls

Last Answer : You may remember the often-discussed tennis ball headphones or these 99 extraordinary uses for ordinary objects. Those were pretty great, but it makes you wonder what else these little bundles of latex ... . Larger dogs can choke on tennis balls. Ask your veterinarian for advice on alternative toys.

Description : How to String a Tennis Racquet

Last Answer : How to String a Tennis Racquet If you're a professional tennis player, your racquet is your best friend. It'll need proper care, and one important maintenance task you need to do for it is ... forget to do this maintenance tactic, otherwise you'll find yourself with a faulty racquet in the court!

Description : How to Serve a Tennis Ball

Last Answer : How to Serve a Tennis Ball Playing a good game of tennis means you have to learn how to properly serve the ball. This is very crucial, because not does it start the match, but it's also ... and impressive serve. If you deliver one perfectly, you'll make the audience stand on their feet and applaud!

Description : How to Keep Score in Tennis

Last Answer : How to Keep Score in Tennis If you are just starting to learn how to play tennis, you may easily get confused on how players and sports officials keep score and determine outcomes of matches. Don't ... . The key is in winning the game and collecting enough to win the set and eventually the match.

Description : How to Make a Tennis Ball Launcher

Last Answer : How to Make a Tennis Ball Launcher There are very few things that say loads of fun more than loading up a homemade cannon with a random object, and send that thing flying through the air. Tennis ball ... sure to fire it in an open area, and don't aim the cannon at people, animals, or property.

Description : Tennis fitness tips

Last Answer : Recognizing An Early Weight Transfer During Groundstrokes When performing groundstrokes, many beginners make the mistake of prematurely transferring their weight. They step forward too soon, losing all the power from ... you contact the ball just as you step from your back foot to the front foot.

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