Recent questions tagged transhumanism

Description : Do you know how are overpopulation and transhumanism correlated with each other?

Last Answer : I think that the more overpopulation there is, the more people feel stresses from it, leading to more dissociation and distraction from embodied awareness, and more wishful thinking for an escape. Both of ... , tends to also want to mess with genetics and breed people and other animals in factories.

Description : In "Inferno", why is Dan Brown inclined toward transhumanism?

Last Answer : Quite the opposite, if the human population decreased by 90%, we would not need transhuman improvements to live better lives.

Description : What if we could slow down the aging process, halt it entirely, or even reverse it - What would this mean for our society?

Last Answer : That's freaking scary and I hope it never happens. Where there's life, there has to be death. It's a balance. People live long enough these days our healthcare costs are sky-high. This would just make ... how people are trying to escape what they are afraid. The truth is, we all have to face it.

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