Recent questions tagged vision

Description : Had any epiphanies lately that you would like to enlighten us with?

Last Answer : My Hagan das ice cream bars kept the same price for 4 packs for $6.99 and lowered the bar count by one two a three pack for the same price. Also they try to sneak dark chocolate dipped in with the dairy milk chocolate bars . Also hagan das is a made up word and not German.

Description : What do you know about cross eyes?

Last Answer : Take her to a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Description : Crescent-shaped vibrating blur on the right-middle of my vision... Should I be worried?

Last Answer : I’d get it checked, blurred vision and other, sudden onset vision problems could be a sign of something more serious like a mini-stroke or? Are you under a lot of stress right now? it might be stress related as well, never the less we can’t diagnose anything here with authority, get it checked out.

Description : Anyone here familiar with how reasonable accommodations work as regards one's job?

Last Answer : answer:Have you filed papers with the EEOC re: Americans with Disabilities Act?

Description : Are you seeing imprinted images with your eyes when closed?

Last Answer : It’s called afterimage. , the lingering effect of over-stimulated retinal cells. The brain and optic nerve aren’t involved.

Description : What do you see that (most) other people don't see?

Last Answer : answer:I used to be able to identify many fragrances. Probably close to 50. I was a fragrance buyer at Bloomingdale's at the time. I can't do it anymore. Maybe just 20 now. I've forgotten some of ... me of the I Love Lucy episode where she couldn't sit her dress was so tight. I notice fake hair.

Description : Is it possible to define or explain colors?

Last Answer : No, it is not possible to explain colors or any other perceptions like sound or taste. Colors are interesting, because, you would think that since colors have a continuous range of frequencies then ... go to a color choice on your computer and select different combinations of red, green and blue.

Description : What could this vision problem be ? (details inside)

Last Answer : answer:I have refrained from mentioning this before, but many of the symptoms you describe fit those of brain tumors. Two members of my family had them, both benign luckily, but they did require serious surgery. Acoustic neuroma Meningioma

Description : What do you know, if anything, about binocular double vision?

Last Answer : Aster If it is effecting your eyesight you should go to a Dr. and get an appointment soon. It could be a issue with the cornea or optic nerve, but needs a doctor to treat it.

Description : It's common knowledge that 20/20 vision is as good as it gets. But where does this phrase originate?

Last Answer : answer:20/20 vision 20/40 is worse than 20/20/

Description : Anyone experience this issue from using Nook Tablet?

Last Answer : answer:That is common amongst anybody who looks at almost any computer screen for any length of time. As computers have become more ubiquitous, so has nearsightedness. Getting older makes it worse. Twenty ... 't see 20 feet without glasses. Now, anything over a foot away is blurry without glasses.

Description : If the eye of an animal has a great many cone cells as well as many rod cells, what does that detirmine about that animal?

Last Answer : answer:Apparently not how to spell “determine.” Is this homework?

Description : Men, would you even notice if your woman was always checking out other guys?

Last Answer : Looking does not cause any damage, as long as it is not acted on

Description : Ever heard of a laptop designed for a person suffering with "Best Disease?"?

Last Answer : Maybe your boss could use stickers like these?

Description : What are some worthwhile but unusual visions of future societies?

Last Answer : Pure communism. Communism often gets overlooked because it has a bad history if collapsing into a military dictatorship. But if it was somehow possible to make everyone work together for a common good ... (not Stalin, Chinese, or North Korean communism) would actually be a very good society.

Description : What can you see in the room you're now in that makes you smile?

Last Answer : answer:Stubby the cow. A fat little stuffed animal that sits on top of my computer. I originally gave him to my now-deceased sister when she was sick, and she loved him. Seeing him now makes me think of her and smile.

Description : Do you exercise your eyeballs?

Last Answer : Well I have the same problem, but I don’t really know how to exercise my eyes.

Description : What if you could see thirty seconds of your future?

Last Answer : Sign me up! I’d love to know.

Description : What do you still see through a child's eyes?

Last Answer : answer:Nothing. Truth and reality is not a bad thing, if you understand it. Actually, it is better. I do miss the lack of responsibility that came with innocence.

Description : Do you wear contacts or glasses?

Last Answer : I wear glasses. I really need bifocals but for some reason I refuse to get them. What I would really like is contacts, the kind your can wear full time for as long as a month and then just use ... able to see clearly pretty much all the time, like when I was young, before my body started devolving.

Description : Why doesn't the full moon look like a globe?

Last Answer : Huh? It looks spherical to me…

Description : Why does one eye become weaker than the other?

Last Answer : What does weaker mean? One eye sees better all together, or one eye sees things far away better? One is 20/20 and the other is 20/10? All I know is I masturbate with both hands so I've ... lenses of different strengths so I don't need bi-focals. They are called mono-vision lenses and work great!

Description : How much does Lasik cost?

Last Answer : I haven’t had it done, but I’m thinking about it if my terrible eyesight ever stabilizes. I’ve heard it advertised for about 500–1k per eye. Call around for doctors in your area.

Description : Why do I view the same scene two different ways?

Last Answer : Could you elaborate?

Description : I get a wierd popping along one side of my head, should I be concerned?

Last Answer : Ah…um. My first thought was aneurysm. Anybody here a doctor?

Description : If God existed and "designed us to love and have fellowship with him and all of mankind", would you wish to believe in him?

Last Answer : Well, you’ve summed up my belief in God for the most part. So i guess the answer is yes.

Description : What are these little things I see?

Last Answer : They’re called, “floaters” and many people have them. There are clumps of cells in the fluid part of your eye. What you are seeing are the shadows of these clumps.

Description : What you all like about art?

Last Answer : I like how it makes the walls less blank.

Description : My own personal genius?

Last Answer : Wait, what are you asking?

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